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How to use hibiscus flowers for hair growth?

Hair fall is a major worry and for this one can make use of hibiscus flower as a beneficial remedy. This flower contains vitamin...


Childern Health

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14 Best Yoga Poses for Back Pain

Yoga Poses for Back Pain. Yoga is good for health. It controls several health issues and healthily maintains the body system. Lower back pain can be relieved by it. What happens to be the best yoga pose for back pain? Yoga is becoming very popular yoga every year, and there is no yoga pose more famous than the downward dog. It can build strength in one’s abdominal muscles which are essential for the support of the lower back. Yoga for lower back pain, asanas for back pain are indeed essential in our daily living style. Upward Facing Dog (Urdhva Mukha Svanasana) The upward-facing dog...

Health & Fitness

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