5 white coloured foods to avoid during pregnancy

5 white coloured foods to avoid during pregnancy

5 white coloured foods to avoid during pregnancy

During the time of pregnancy, it is very important to be attentive and cautious about the diet. Food has an enormous impact on the health of the expectant mother and developing fetus. So unmindful eating could be dangerous at this time. As it is healthy to gorge on the coloured fruits and vegetables during the pregnancy, white coloured foods can be of threat to maternal and fetal health. Here is the list of 5 white coloured foods to avoid during pregnancy that can be bad when consumed in excess.


It breaks down into the glucose that provides you energy. But there is a limit to how much glucose your body can take and required. Overconsumption of sugar can lead to complications like gestational diabetes in mother. It can also put the baby at risk of developing facial abnormalities like a fissure palate or even improve the risk of neural tube defects, despite taking folic acid pills daily.

Unpasteurized milk:

Having the glass full of milk during pregnancy can help to increase your calcium intake. Al though, never sip on unpasteurized milk or raw milk during the pregnancy. The bacteria present in milk can lead to infection in mother that can affect fetus. If the bacteria cross placenta, it can hamper the neurological development.

White flour:

Many foods are prepared with the white flour – bread, biscuits, pasta, rotis, etc. Remember, gorging on them unmindfully will only add calories with the little nutritional value and contribute to weight gain process. Switch to brown bread or use red millet flour to make the chapattis or limit their intake at least.

White rice:

5 white coloured foods to avoid during pregnancyWhite rice has the high glycemic index, which means that body breaks it down quickly into sugar. This sugar is absorbed by cells of your body very fast, hence raising the blood sugar levels. As white rice is a good source of carbohydrates, it is not recommended for expectant mothers who are suffering from the gestational diabetes or have elevated blood sugar levels.


Even though sodium from salt is essential for both mother and growing baby, high intake of the salt can give rise to conditions like edema, preeclampsia in mother and impair kidney development of the fetus. On the other hand, low sodium intake can lead to the altered fluid balance in the body leading to the mass of complications.

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