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Top 10 Most Beautiful Hydrangea Flowers

Hydrangea Flowers are an attractive shrub with spectacular flowers. First seen in Japan, the name hydrangea comes from the Greek word "hydro", which means...


Childern Health

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5 Yoga Poses to Relieve Stress

Yoga is good for the body and mind. It relaxes a person from the stresses and strains of life. It induces sleep and keeps one fit as a fiddle. Yoga is a good stress management tool. It relieves tension in body and mind. 1.Eagle Pose (Garudasana) This pose requires concentration. It helps a person to free uptightness in the shoulders and hips. Steps: • From Tadasana, take feet hip-width apart, arms wide. Bring the right arm over the left. • Bend the elbows and then bring the palms together. If that is too strong, back of the hand's touch. • Shift the weight to the four...

Health & Fitness

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