How to Stop White Hair using Natural Ingredients?

How to Stop White Hair using Natural Ingredients?

Is how to stop white hair the question running in your mind? Since white hairs are assumed to be signs of ageing, no one wish to have grey hair in very young age. There are many homemade remedies to get rid of grey hair but you should not lose your confidence looking your premature white hair. There are many reasons for getting white hair like genetics, deficiency of melanin, hormonal imbalances, medical conditions, stress, using chemical hair products and extrinsic factors. Due to all these factors, the chances of getting white hair is more. Make use of the below-mentioned remedies to find an answer to the question how to stop white hair.

Quick and Effective Answer for How to Stop White Hair

Gooseberry (Amla) and Lemon Juice

Gooseberry is a famous fruit in India which is helpful in treating many ailments. Some of the ailments which gooseberry is very effective in treating are hair problems, skin infection, stomach related problems, obesity and much more. In Hindi, Gooseberry is known as amla, and could be found in vegetable shops or in the form of pickles and juices. Even powdered gooseberry is also available in the market. In order to treat white hair, you need to mix the powdered gooseberry with the adequate amount of lemon juice and apply on your hair. Apply mainly on the scalp and provide proper massage to your scalp. By doing this on every alternative days, you can see black hair in few days.

Onion Paste

You all know that while chopping onion, it causes burning sensation in eyes and sometimes your eye will be filled with tears. All you need to do is that, prepare the paste of White hair by peeling off the onion skin and grinding it. Apply this paste on your scalp. Leave it for drying and rinse your hair with cold water. You need to note that doing this remedy once in a week will not yield any good results. To get the desired results, you must do this every day. While rinsing your hair, you can use the shampoo which suits your hair.

Lemon juice with coconut oil

White hair is unpleasant and very irritating. In order to get rid of white hair and turn those hairs into black, oil and massage your hair with a mixture of coconut oil and lemon juice. This remedy is found to be the wonderful and very effective home remedy. You need to apply this every alternative day to yield the required results. This remedy surely treats your white hair and turns it into black, making your hair beautiful and healthy.

You can choose any of the above homemade remedies to say bye to white hair. In addition to above remedies, you can also consume the food rich in Vitamin B12. Hope reading this article on how to stop white hair will help you in treating your grey hair and stay stress-free.

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