The Side Effects of I pill

The Side Effects of I pill

In India, people usually do not feel contraceptive pills are an emergency contraception remedy. It is not made use of as a protocol in order to correct a mistake; rather it is made use of as an alibi to do the mistake. Emergency Contraceptive Pills that have led to a sexual revolution in India among youth as well as teenagers. Indian youth have indeed started exploring their own sexuality to the optimum level after the introduction of numerous contraceptive pills without being too much bothered about their side effects on the health of the girl.

Most youngsters are indulging in unprotected sex banking on these emergency contraceptive pills. But it is also important to understand that one cannot depend on such pills on a daily basis. Moreover, the fantastic marketing campaigns organized by various pill brands do have much impact on young minds and also change their perception of the product.

One must avoid confusing contraceptive pill for an abortion pill. It can only stop pregnancy and also not terminate it. Hence it is ineffective if a woman is already pregnant.

The pill needs to be taken immediately after unprotected sex. It is rather highly advisable that one takes it within 24 hours and before 72 hours or else the pill would, in fact, become useless. Every emergency pill is 95 percent effective only if taken on time.

It does not safeguard one from HIV/AIDS or other sexually transmitted diseases.

If one is on long-term medication for any disease, it is best for one to consult the doctor before taking the emergency contraceptive pill.

Some of the most common side-effects of emergency contraceptive pills are nausea, breast tenderness, the ache in the lower abdomen, delayed menstruation, vomiting, and irregular menstruation. However, these side effects will indeed go away within a matter of a day or two depending on the metabolism of the woman.

The Side Effects of I pillWomen who are rather allergic to contraceptive pills must get in touch with a doctor before taking the contraceptive pill. The emergency contraceptive pill is to be made use of only as an emergency contraceptive method. It should not be used regularly as regular consumption of contraceptive pills that are really unhealthy if taken more than twice a month.

The emergency pill needs to be administered by women between the age of 25 and 45. It is not really the best method to be adopted by teenagers. With the increase in the rate of teenage pregnancy in India, it is actually necessary for schools and colleges to consider starting a sex education campaign and also educate the youth about the ill effects of contraceptive pills on a developing reproductive system.

These contraceptive pills, in fact, are hormonal pills and their usage for an extended period of time would indeed lead to severe menstrual problems as well as ovarian damage

Emergency pills can rather bring down one’s libido level and cause skin allergies that also delay periods in some women. Some women complain about severe headaches which are caused due to hormonal imbalance.

Ferty 9 is best fertility hospital in Hyderabad is well versed about contraception and is well equipped in providing sound advice as to how to use them.

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