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How to Protect your kidneys and Kidney Health Tips

Kidneys are bean shaped organs which carry out a lot of regulatory functions in our body. Most importantly, they play an important role in...


Childern Health

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Nine unbelievable health benefits of surya namaskar

There would be no life on the Earth Without the Sun.  Sun Salutation is an old method of giving respect or expressing appreciation to the Sun, which is a source of all kinds of life on the earth. Surya Namaskar or sun salutation is a gesticulation of showing gratitude to the sun. It is a set of twelve yoga asanas which bring the body, breath, and mind together. When performed in the morning, it revitalizes the body and refreshes the mind, leaves to feel energetic throughout the course of the day. The postures can help to unwind when performing them in...

Health & Fitness

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