DIY Natural Homemade Onion Juice and Honey Hair Loss remedy

DIY Natural Homemade Onion Juice and Honey Hair Loss

Onion juice is the best natural home remedies for reducing the hair loss and promoting hair growth. Its sulfur element increases the blood circulation, stimulates the hair follicles and also promotes the hair regrowth. Below explained regarding Homemade Onion Juice and Honey Hair Loss.

Sulfur has recognised as one of the basic building blocks of the hair. It has needed for keratin and healthy collagen. Various amino acids which are the building blocks of protein have the sulfur ingredient, and keratin proteins have high amounts of sulfur-incorporating amino acids.

Homemade Onion Juice and Honey Hair Loss

Various studies have also gained onions to be helpful for treating hair loss. Additionally, onions can improve control problems like dandruff & scalp infections also restore premature graying.

The following procedure will also assist smooth & shiny hair because of the joining of honey. Honey has packed with antioxidants & attracts moisture.

How to prepare an onion juice & honey to treat hair loss

Ingredients required:

  • onion : 1
  • Honey : 1 – 2 teaspoons
  • A knife
  • A strainer
  • A blender
  • A mixing spoon
  • A bowl
  • Measuring spoons
  • An essential oil of your choice (optional)

DIY Natural Homemade Onion Juice and Honey Hair Loss Method to prepare

1. Peel and chop the onion into pieces. Then make a paste by blending

2. Place the onion paste or pulp into a strainer. Using the spoon, squeeze the pulp to extract a juice.

3. Join 1 to 2 tsp of honey to the onion extract.

4. Join the few drops of the essential oil, like lavender oil.

Your DIY homemade onion juice and honey remedy are ready to apply.

How to use

  • Massage your entire scalp or bald patches with onion and honey juice.
  • Cover your hair with the shower cap and allow it full overnight, or at least for about thirty minutes.
  • Wash your hair the succeeding morning.
  • Repeat this hair loss treatment regular for few months or until you are happy with the outcomes.


  • You can grate it & then squeeze the juice instead of blending an onion. For extracting, you can also use cheesecloth rather of the strainer. You can too use the juicer.
  • To avoid tearing during cutting an onion, chill it by placing in the fridge for around fifteen minutes & then cut it.
  • If you desire to add the fragrant essential oil, lavender, use rosemary, peppermint or other related oils that promote the hair growth.
  • One can too combine some rose water or lemon juice to disguise the onion smell.

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