4 Common Causes Of Breast Pain During Pregnancy

Causes Of Breast Pain During Pregnancy

The breasts enlarge due to a rise in estrogen during puberty. During the menstrual cycle, several hormones cause variations in breast tissue that can lead to pain or distress in some women. While breasts do not typically hurt, unusual breast pain is not uncommon. Read about Causes Of Breast Pain During Pregnancy.

Breast pain during early pregnancy

Breast pain has also called as mastalgia, is a natural condition of women. According to the study at California Pacific Medical Center, breast pain affects 50 – 70 % of women (CPMC). The pain has typically categorized as either cyclical or noncyclical.

Cyclical pain has linked with the menstrual cycle while noncyclical pain is not. Pain associated with the menstrual cycle tends to decrease after or during the period.

Noncyclical pain can have many reasons, including injury of the breast. Sometimes noncyclical hurt can come from encircling muscles or tissues rather than the breast itself. Noncyclical pain is much less familiar than chronic pain, & the causes can be harder to determine.

Mastalgia can differ in strength, from a sharp pain to the mild tingling. Some women can experience breast tenderness, or their breasts can feel fuller than normal.

In this post, we have written some of the most common reasons Of Breast Pain During Pregnancy, which pregnant woman experience pain in the breast in pregnancy.

Causes of Breast Pain During Pregnancy

1. Breast Changes, which are Fibrocystic:

It has seen as the most common cause common reasons Of Breast Pain During Pregnancy. In fibrocystic breast differs, tiny cysts form in the fibrous tissue of the breast, get packed with fluid & swell and lead to pain.

2. Imbalance in the Hormone Levels:

During pregnancy, it is very common that the body adapts itself to undergo many steps of the development of the baby. It results in a fast change in various hormonal levels, especially an imbalance in the estrogen levels that mostly leads to cause breast pain. Read on Top 10 Foods All Pregnant Women Should Avoid

3. Breasts which Leak:

One of the most frequent complaints from many expecting mothers is that their breasts drip, & this has often seen in the second or third trimester of pregnancy. Breast leaks commonly occur because the breasts start building colostrums. It is the thick fluid that nourishes the newborn baby in the first couple of days before the breasts start producing milk.

This liquid has dropped from the breast due to the massage or even when sexually excited also is one of the leading reasons for breast pain particularly in the later levels of pregnancy. Using the nursing pad is an excellent remedy to this problem.

4. Changes in the Breast:

The most significant function of the breasts is to serve the newborn baby after birth. For this purpose, the breasts are regularly prepared by the body during the pregnancy period. During the pregnancy, milk-producing cells & milk ducts are formed. It ultimately causes an expansion in the size of the breasts. It might be scary to know that more & more layers of fat begin to collect beneath the breasts as you progress into the pregnancy stage. Due to this, one will see a very noticeable change in both the size & shape of the breasts. Read more Old Methods of Determining Baby’s Gender

Surprisingly, the breasts continue this process of improving to about a cup size in the first three months of maternity. These combined factors eventually cause pain in the chest.

Causes Of Breast Pain During PregnancyBreast changes During pregnancy

Breast growth.

Beginning at about 6 to 8 weeks, one may notice the breasts getting larger. They will continue to grow throughout the pregnancy. It is natural to grow up a cup size or two, particularly if it is the first baby. The breasts might feel itchy as the skin expands, and one might also develop stretch scars on them. Read more on 10 ways your body changes after pregnancy

Veins & pigment changes.

One might be ready to see veins under the skin of the breasts, & you might find that the nipples are getting bigger & darker. After the first few months, the areolas – the pigmented circles the nipples – will also be larger & darker.

Bumps on the areola.

You might not have seen the little bumps on the areolas before. But now these bumps, which are the type of oil-producing gland called Montgomery’s tubercles, will become much more apparent. Your breasts go through these differences in preparation for nursing the newborn baby.

Leaky breasts.

During the third month of pregnancy, the breasts start giving colostrum, the first milk the baby will get when she first starts treating. While the last few months of pregnancy, one may begin to leak the small amount of this thick yellowish material, while some women begin to leak ahead, & some never leak at all.

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