5 Yoga Poses to Help Relax the Mind

7 Pranayama Breathing Exercises 

Yoga Poses to Help Relax the Mind. One can go in for the asanas which help one to stay calm and physically fit. The regular practice of yogic postures maintains a healthy mind.

Every person wants peace of mind and would like to relax his or her mind on account of the daily hectic schedule. It is better to go in for relaxing yoga poses, yoga for mind relaxation.

Everybody experiences stress. The important issue is how to deal with it? In order to unwind from daily tired routine, both beginners and seasoned practitioners can practice yoga daily to get rid of mental fatigue. One can practice either before going to bed or at the point of the day. This happens to be the best way to relax the mind and body. Yoga helps a person to get over his or her concerns as relaxation is felt in the mind…

Wide-Legged Forward Bend Pose (Prasarita Padottanasana)

How To:

Stand up tall and then walk the feet out wide. Turn the toes out slightly. Hinge at the hips and fold forward. Bring the hands to the mat directly under one’s shoulders. Soften the knees in order to release the head and neck. Slowly roll up to standing position.

Purpose of the Pose:

Stretches the muscles in the back, hamstrings, and calves.
This is one of the relaxing yoga poses, yoga for mind relaxation.

Lizard Pose (Utthan Pristhasana):

How To:

Start from a downward-facing dog. Step the right foot forward to a deep lunge and then drop the left knee to the floor. The feet should be far enough apart that the right foot is flat. Find a comfortable arm position, either long arms or forearms on a block. Hold for 20 deep breaths. Step back slowly to downward-facing dog. Switch the legs.

Purpose of the Pose:

Opens the hips as well as hip flexors. Stretches the hamstrings and opens the shoulder and chest muscles.

5 Yoga Poses to Help Relax the Mind

Sphinx Pose (Salamba Bhujangasana):

How To:

Lie flat on one’s stomach. Place the elbows under one’s shoulders, then begin to lift the chest. Draw the shoulders down the back and press the forearms down. Look forward and allow the chin to drop slightly.

Purpose of the Pose:

Stretches the abdominal muscles, does open the chest and shoulders and also strengthens the spine

Supported Bridge Pose (Setu Bandhasana Sarvangasana)

How To:

Lie flat on the back. Plant the feet flat, hip-width apart. Press down into one’s feet to lift the hips. Turn a yoga block to its tallest point and slide it under the hips. The body should feel comfortable and supported. Let the arms rest on the ground along the sides with the palms facing up. Optional: Lift one’s arms overhead and allow them to rest next to the ears.

Purpose of the Pose:

Stretches the entire front-side of the body and strengthens the back.

Forward Fold Pose (Uttanasana):

How To:

Stand up tall with one’s feet hips-width distance apart. Soften the knees and slowly fold forward. Bring the hands to opposite elbows. Allow the arms, head, and neck to be very heavy. Sway side-to-side to release tension in the low back. Continue to soften the knees and slightly shift the weight forward. Slowly roll up to standing.

Purpose of the Pose:

Stretches the calves and hamstrings. It may be able to release tension in the head, neck as well as shoulders.

It is advisable to try out relaxing yoga poses, yoga for mind relaxation.

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