Top 10 Foods That Cause Body Odour

foods that cause body odour

Top 10 Foods That Cause Body Odour

Body odour is the problem faced by many and after doing all measures it is still there. Genetics, personal hygiene and overall health can also be important factors to determine the body odour. The sweat on the skin is fermented by bacteria which creates a distinguishing odour on your skin.

Top Foods For Healthy Joints Body smell is a very awkward problem that needs to be addressed. In women body odour might be due to stress and menstruation. It is also said that extreme use of deodorants can also be the reason for body odour. It is very significant to get rid of unclean body odour to become socially acceptable and to build the self confidence and self esteem.

Daily hygiene is also very important and your health also plays a role. Disadvantages Of Chewing Gum Do you know that eating certain foods that cause bad body odour? Know and recognize these foods that cause body odour. You might be doing every possible measures to remove your body odour but all are in vain if you don’t stop eating such foods. Here is a list of foods that cause body odour. Have a look at some foods that give you body odour.

Red Meat

The amino acids present in the red meat are broken down by intestinal enzymes into the smaller smelly substances. These foul smelling substances are then excreted through the sweat to cause body odour. Have it in limited amount if you suffer from stinky body.

Processed Or Junk Foods

The refines sugars present in the junk foods is responsible for creating body odour. These sugars are excreted in sweat and change it’s composition. It combines with the bacteria present in sweat and causes odour. These foods also reason for bad body odour.


foods that cause body odourFish is also included in list of foods that cause body odour. A substance choline present in salmon and tuna fish has the natural fishy smell. This choline might be secreted in sweat for more than 2 days and create a body odour in some people.

Low Carb Foods

When you cut down the carbohydrates in your diet, your body starts to burn fats for energy purposes since carbs are not available. Burning of fats produces a chemical in the body that is excreted in your sweat. This chemical substance adds a fruity smell to your sweat.

Spicy Foods

The smell of spices added in your foods remain in the body pores for long and then combine with the sweat to cause body odour. Herbs and spices are among foods to avoid for body odour.


Alcohol in body is metabolised in liver into acetic acid, al though some of the alcohol is directly excreted through the sweat. Consumption of alcohol not only causes your mouth to smell horrible but also causes the body odour.


In some people asparagus can cause the rotten vegetable smell of sweat after eating it. Not all experience the same thing due to genetic variations in producing body odour and perceiving it.

Dairy Products

They are rich in proteins and extreme consumption of these products cause the release of hydrogen sulphide and methyl mercaptan in the body. These substances are then excreted through sweat causing body odour.

Cigarette Smoking

The smoke of the cigarettes mixes with the sweat and cause a distinctive smokers smell. This smell will stay for a longer time and then after some days it will cause a foul body odour as it combines with the bacteria in sweat.

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