These 11 amazing health benefits of warm water will shock you

11 amazing health benefits of warm water will shock you

Most of us prefer to start our day with the warm cup of tea or coffee. Although, when it comes to water, we normally favour to grab a cold one. If Ayurvedic experts are to be believed, you are doing more harm to the body by doing this. However drinking the warm water does not attract your taste buds as warm tea or coffee, daily consumption of warm water provides a myriad of health benefits, including weight loss and pain relief. So here are These 11 amazing health benefits of warm water will shock you

Amazing health benefits of warm water

Here are top eleven reasons warm water is so great for your health.

Helps in weight loss

Planning to lose the weight through a diet? Well, you could drink some warm water instead. By drinking warm water, there is a slight improve in your body temperature, which in turn speed up’s your metabolic rate. Being a 0 calorie drink, warm water prevents the hunger pangs and also satiates your senses, making it an excellent weight loss help. To hasten the weight loss process, here are 10 diet habits you should implement in your life.

Detoxifies your body

Not many people know that warm water acts as a potent potion to cleanse your body by flushing out harmful toxins through your sweat and urine. This in turn flushes out the toxins trapped in your body. You can also add lemon juice and honey to warm water for better results.

helps in digestion

Drinking warm water, particularly during the meals helps in the digestion of the food you eat by speeding up in the breakdown process. It also improves digestion and helps to maintain the electrolyte and mineral balance in your body. Moreover, drinking warm water on an empty stomach also improves bowel movements and constipation.

Prevents premature aging

In addition to the cleansing your body of toxins or unhealthy, warm water enhances your skin’s elasticity and improves its ability to perform repairs, thereby reducing the signs of premature ageing such as wrinkles, dry skin and dark patches.

Can ease the symptoms of cough and cold

An effectual natural way to get rid of a cough, cold and sore throat is by drinking warm water. It acts by clearing phlegm and providing immediate relief from respiratory disorders, particularly productive cough. You can also fight nasal congestion by drinking warm water or from side to side steam inhalation.

Alleviates pain

The heat from the warm water soothes muscles by improving  blood flow and relaxing them. So, if you are suffering from cramps or muscle spasms, apply a hot water pack on an affected area to relieve the pain. It has been an age-old remedy to ease pain and swelling due to the muscle cramps as well as to deal with the menstrual pain and headache.

Acts as an excellent post-workout drink

It is time to replace your energy drink with the warm water post workout. Drinking warm water after a tiring workout not only refills vitamins and minerals in your body by maintaining the electrochemical balance in the body but also de hydrates you, and kick starts the metabolic process. In addition to this, warm water continues calorie burning process post-workout, helping in speeding up the weight loss process. Although, to reap the benefits of a workout.

Induces the sleep

Sipping warm water during your meals (particularly during dinner) or before going to the bed, not only helps in digestion and cleansing your body of toxins or unhealthy benefits but also helps the body relax and soothes your nerves. In addition, it will also make you feel invigorated in the morning and prevent the midnight cravings.

Enhances the blood circulation

When you drink a glass of warm water, fat deposits and toxins or unhealthy circulating in the blood are eliminated from the body. It also helps to enhance blood circulation in the body and lowers the risk of various health difficulty due to the presence of toxins or unhealthy substances in your blood.

11 amazing health benefits of warm water will shock you
11 amazing health benefits of warm water will shock you

Protects against the skin infections

Apart from rejuvenating skin cells, regularly consumption of warm water detoxifies your skin, thereby lowering the risk of skin-related disorders. The rule of drinking at least 8 glasses of warm water regularly holds true in dealing with acne. Warm water  helps unblock the pores and  flushes out the toxins present within the skin. In addition, it also acts as the natural moisturiser for dry and parched skin.

Reduces the risk of water-borne diseases

Another added advantage of drinking warm water is that you are at the lower risk of suffering from water-borne diseases. This is because, boiling water kills the number of microbes present in water, thereby making it fit for consumption as compared to water at cold or room temperature.

The above are the 11 amazing health benefits of warm water will shock you

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