6 wonderful facts about fats that could change the way you eat

6 wonderful facts about fats that could change the way you eat

When you might stick to a low-fat diet to lose the weight and manage cholesterol there are sure fats that ought to have a place in your diet. Naturopathic Nutritionist tells us facts you did not know about dietary fats. Here are few 6 wonderful facts about fats that could change the way you eat.

Healthy fats are required for the body to function optimally

Fat should form an necessary part of the diet as they are necessary to control the hormone production, absorb certain nutrients, and also help the repair and growth of the tissue. So, make sure that you supplement the diet with good fats to make sure a healthy balance.

The body does not react same way to all types of fats

Not all dietary fats can be harmful to the health, and a good example of this is coconut oil. Coconut oil is a saturated fat, which is willingly converted into energy by your body rather than being stored as fat. Plus, coconut oil can be ideal if you are diabetic as it would not cause any point in the blood sugar levels. Did you know coconut oil can help you to lose weight?

Trans- fats are bad fats that you must avoid

Trans-fats have been connected with the obesity, hypertension and heart disease. But when you avoid meat and dairy products that contain a small amount of naturally occurring trans-fats, remember that the most dangerous types of trans-fats is found in baked goods, margarine, snacks, and fried food.

Consuming lots of Omega 6 rich foods will not keep you in the great health

Omega 6 fatty acids which are frequently touted as healthy fat should be consumed in the moderation. Vegetable oils commonly used in cooking, are much higher in omega 6 than omega 3. With a rise in their use, there can be a very unhealthy balance of these very important fats which can cancel out their health benefits.

Fats do not cause the heart disease

6 wonderful facts about fats that could change the way you eatSaturated fats might have earned a bad reputation for health of your heart, but there is good evidence that unsaturated fats prevent the heart disease by regulating the cholesterol levels. Choosing healthy fats can also prevent diabetes. Olive oil, avocados, almonds and some nuts are good sources of unsaturated fats.

Fat-free foods would not keep you slim

A fat-free label on your food does not mean that it would not show on your waistline. Cutting the number of calories is key to the weight loss. Many fat-free foods are high in sugar and refined carbohydrates that add on to the number of calories you are consuming.
Photo credit: permanently scatterbrained / Foter / CC BY

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