Learn How to Include Chia Seeds in Your Diet

How to Include Chia Seeds in Your Diet

Do you wonder how to improve your diet lately? Do you feel confused and overwhelmed after searching online and finding a number of people sharing their supposable healthy diets and advice? Take a minute to overthink everything that you have read or heard about how to improve your diet today. Read more about How to Include Chia Seeds in Your Diet

You need to understand that improving your diet is a process that takes time. It takes a lot more than reading about healthy diets and eating an apple a day. Changing your diet requires breaking bad habits, such as over drinking, smoking, not drinking enough water, forgetting about breakfast, etc. It is for the best to consult your doctor and find out more about this process and how to make it simpler.

One idea is to start with the little things. In dedication to improving your diet, we want to introduce chia seeds to you! Maybe a little thing, but chia seeds do have a lot of beneficial effects that you would want to consider when improving your diet! Let’s see what those beneficial effects are and how you can use them starting today!

What do you know about the beneficial effects of chia seeds?

Chia seeds do have reached their peak while trending lately. Being used for various recopies, chia seeds have earned their places in a lot of kitchens nowadays! It may seem strange how a little thing like this can have such a big role in someone’s diet! It will surely surprise you to hear that chia seeds contain up to three times more iron compared with spinach!

Chia seeds are a great source of healthy, needed fibers for our bodies for them to have a healthy digestion of the food that we eat. Another surprising thing to hear is that chia seeds contain more potassium than bananas. And to think that we almost undermined such small things as chia seeds! All of the beneficial effects that chia seeds have come from them being a great source of a lot of needed nutrients.

Chia seeds also contain calcium in the same amounts as a whole glass of milk. Another great thing about chia seeds is that they will increase your energy levels so a smoothie which contains a lot of fresh fruits, combined with chia seeds can easily replace your need for coffee in the morning! So if you are wondering how to improve memory, general health, or even lose weight, this is the right ingredient for you!

How to Include Chia Seeds in Your DietHow to include chia seeds in your diet?

You probably have heard about chia pudding! If you have not, this is probably one of the most famous recipes involving chia seeds. Plus, it is the perfect opportunity for your children to use the beneficial effects of chia seeds without even being aware of!

We already mentioned the option to prepare a delicious smoothie that will combine the benefits of fresh fruits and chia seeds! Another idea is to add a tablespoon of chia seeds to your tea along with your honey or sugar! It is considered for chia seeds to absorb better if they are added to water or other fluid.

How much do you love tortillas filled with your favorite vegetables and meat? If your answer is a lot then we have good news – you can use chia seeds to prepare healthy, light tortillas! Do you tend to avoid breakfast because you do not have time to prepare anything in the morning? Well, luckily chia seeds can help you with this problem as well.

We all know how important breakfast is, so why not eat a healthy breakfast bar made of chia seeds, grains, and nuts? It will go perfectly with that smoothie that we mentioned before! And how much do we love a well-made guacamole or hummus sauce with chia seeds to go with your chips or crackers? If you are a vegetarian, we have good news for you also! Chia seeds are probably the best replacement for eggs that there is!

Packed with proteins and a lot of healthy, needed nutrients, chia seeds will provide your body with everything that it needs and that it normally could get from eating eggs! You cannot say no to chia seeds after reading about all of their benefits and especially not after reading about these delicious recipes!

Read more about Hemp seeds and Indian Seeds


Choosing the right ingredients to include while you are cooking for you are your family can be a hard decision. We though to make it easier for you and introduce you to a trending ingredient that has earned its place in our hearts – the chia seeds! Including chia seeds in your diet will certainly not be a problem for you after learning about all of the chia seeds beneficial effects as it contains a lot of healthy needed nutrients for our bodies. And not to mention the fact that there are some recipes that you can try to include chia seeds and enjoy the wonderful results afterward! A change in the diet is always welcomed, especially when it is such a beneficial change and your body will thank you for it!

Author Bio:

Sophie Addison is a popular blogger and skincare expert. She is very passionate about writing on skincare and beauty. She is an active contributor of many health and lifestyle blogs including glozine lifestyle. She has posted articles on tips for fine lines and wrinkles, best eye creams, weight loss and fitness news. Apart from work she likes gardening and listening music. You can also contact her on Facebook, and Pinterest.

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