Foods Having More Vitamin C Than Oranges

Foods having more vitamin C than oranges

Foods Having More Vitamin C Than Oranges

Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant. It prevents us from cancer and removes all toxins accumulated in the body. It is a healing vitamin and must be taken when you are suffering from any diseases. Vitamin C prevents bleeding of gums and treats sore mouth or mouth ulcers.

It boosts our immunity and also helps in the production of certain hormones in the body such as dopamine and peptide hormones .It also helps in the production of collagen which repairs skin cells.

Have a look at some foods having more vitamin C than oranges.


They are an excellent source of vitamin C and therefore boost immunity. Vitamin C acts as a powerful antioxidant. It removes toxins from the body and prevents the risk of cancer. Strawberries also help to burn fat easily as they contain anthocyanins.


They contain more vitamin C than oranges and are also rich in fibre. They also contain thiamine (type of B vitamin) which aid in energy production. It is also rich in manganese which is good for maintaining healthy bones.


Besides being a good source of vitamin C, kale normalises high blood sugar and high blood pressure. It also decreases the risk of asthma and cancer. Eat kale for a stronger bones as it also contains calcium.


Mangoes contain more vitamin C than present in oranges. They also contain fiber and vitamin A. Besides providing you with vitamin C, they also boost you with energy.


Chillies and bell peppers are rich in vitamin C. Include chillies and bell peppers in your diet as they are rich sources of vitamin C. Chillies also contain a substance known as capsaicin, which relieves joint pain.

Foods having more vitamin C than oranges
Photo credit: sahgal_rahul / Foter / CC BY-NC-SA

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