Coffee Waste is useful for many

Coffee Waste is useful for many

Coffee Waste is useful for many

Coffee is loved by most of the people for its taste and impulsive reinstatement of energy. But, the byproducts of coffee never take into the consideration by most. Coffee Waste is useful for many

  • The ‘coffee grounds’ and ‘coffee silverskin’ are rich sources for many applications.
  • The researchers from University of Granada in Spain led by Jose Angel Rufian Henaresat have found the precious uses of coffee by-products in a variety of purposes.
  • The used coffee grounds can used as homemade skin Exfoliants or as rough cleaning products.
  • The coffee grounds & coffee silverskins are rich source of composting agents, which can be used for fertilizing certain plants.
  • Coffee Waste is useful for manyThe by-products are potential antioxidant and antimicrobial elements as they are highly rich in fibre and phenols.
  • These byproducts work as antioxidants 500 times greater than those found in the vitamin C.
  • The melanoidins, which we get during the boiling process and give coffee its brown colour, can prevent the harmful pathogens from growing in the food products.
  • Now, you have a look on these by-products and their performances

Photo credit: DaveR1988 / Foter / CC BY

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