6 Home Remedies for Arm Pain

6 Home Remedies for Arm Pain

Sore or painful arms occur commonly and should not be taken too lightly.

Pain in any part of one’s arms can indeed prevent one from carrying out one’s daily activities. We, after all, make use of our arms for just about everything, such as lifting, holding, grabbing as well as throwing.

Symptoms of Arm Pain

Mild pain in one’s arms is usually on account of sleeping in an awkward position, poor blood circulation, exercising or playing sports, or even repetitive motions.

Some possible causes of severe arm pain do include a pinched nerve, sprain, tendonitis, rotator cuff injury, broken bone, angina, rheumatoid arthritis, angina and even a heart attack.

Depending much upon the cause, the pain may start suddenly and then go away or it may increase rather gradually.

What are the other symptoms?

Apart from pain, other symptoms associated with arm problems does include swelling or even cramps, redness, stiffness and swollen lymph nodes under the arm. The symptoms can also be in one or even both arms and can also affect the wrist, elbow, and shoulder.

Minor arm pain does usually get resolved on its own. In fact, there are a few natural remedies that do can help one deal with arm problems and pain, and helps one arm to heal.

Also Read: Natural Home Remedies for Shoulder Pain

One must consult a doctor soon if there is severe pain.

1. Rest

Proper rest is essential for repairing of the soft tissues that get and often occurs with minor pain. On the other hand, the continuous strain does cause much pain and inflammation.

One must also avoid strenuous exercises and movements. Also, avoid typing as the sore arm will feel worse. This will indeed lead to a lessening of the swelling.

2. Cold Compress

Arm pain can be also be treated with cold compresses. This is more However, it is effective primarily during the initial stage.

The cold temperature does help make the tissue in the painful area numb, therefore thus alleviating the pain. It also helps in reducing inflammation.

  • Place some ice cubes in a plastic bag and also wrap the bag in a thin towel.
  • Place it on one’s affected area for about 10 to 15 minutes.
  • Repeat this for a few times daily for rather few days.

One can soak a towel in cold water and then apply it on the painful arm. Do not place the ice directly on one’s skin as it can lead to frostbite.

3. Hot Compress

Just like cold compresses, hot compresses also can help treat one’s arm pain. Use the hot compress only after 48 hours from when the injury occurred or the pain began for it to be effective.

Heat does increase one’s blood flow to the area, which in turn will also decrease stiffness as well as pain.

  • One must fill a hot water bag with a hot water and then apply it on the aching arm for about 10 to 15 minutes. Repeat this a few times a day until one gets complete relief.
  • One can stand in the shower and run some warm to slightly hot water on one’s arm for about 5 to 10 minutes. Do this twice daily.

Read Also: DIY Homemade Smoothing Serum For Arms And Legs

4. Compression

Wrapping one’s affected area with a compression bandage or even elastic bandage that can help reduce the swelling and encourage healing.

Compression puts much pressure on the painful area. Also, it provides good support to one’s painful arm. It even helps one to move around more comfortably.

Compress the area that is affected by wrapping it with an elastic bandage, which one can buy from the drug store. One can make use of the compression wrap for a few days, or until the pain and swelling have gone.

One must avoid wrapping the area too tightly as it can lead to poor circulation and worsen the condition. If the bandage is too tight one feels numbness, tingling, increased pain, coolness or even swelling in the area below the bandage.

5. Elevation

One must keep the arm pain reduced by elevating the area. Elevation does promote proper blood flow to the given area and also eliminates waste products to speed up the one’s healing process.

Make use of 1 or 2 pillows under one’s arm while resting or even sleeping. If necessary, one needs to make use of a sling to keep one’s arm elevated. One must avoid elevating one’s arm too as it would affect adequate blood supply.

6. Massage

Massage the affected area by making use of gentle pressure that can reduce pain. Massage in order to improve the blood circulation, which in turn will help repair the damaged tissue faster.

A gentle massage does help release stress as well as tension in the affected area.

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