5 Yoga Poses to Relieve Stress

5 Yoga Poses to Relieve Stress

Yoga is good for the body and mind. It relaxes a person from the stresses and strains of life. It induces sleep and keeps one fit as a fiddle.
Yoga is a good stress management tool. It relieves tension in body and mind.

1.Eagle Pose (Garudasana)

This pose requires concentration. It helps a person to free uptightness in the shoulders and hips.


• From Tadasana, take feet hip-width apart, arms wide. Bring the right arm over the left.

• Bend the elbows and then bring the palms together. If that is too strong, back of the hand’s touch.

• Shift the weight to the four corners of the right foot and bend the knees a little.

• Lift the left thigh up and over the right thigh. If one’s knees are okay and one can hook the toes behind the right calf, do so; otherwise, leave the foot where it is (avoid forcing it.).

• Engage the core and start to sink the hips while maintaining length in the spine. Keep one’s gaze firmly on the focal point and make sure the breath flows effortlessly.

• To come out, slowly begin to unwind and return to Tadasana. Repeat on the other side.
This happens to be a popular yoga poses, stress release yoga.

2. Standing Forward Fold (Uttanasana)

Uttanasana can indeed help quiet a busy mind, balance the nervous system, and promote feelings of calm as well as peace.


• From Tadasana, bend the knees, slightly engage the core, and hinge forward from the hips, placing one’s hands in front of or alongside one’s feet.

• Shift the weight onto the balls of the feet and feel the sit bones lifting toward the ceiling. For tight hamstrings, one can keep the knees bent to protect the lower back. Otherwise, lengthen through the backs of the legs while keeping the weight in the balls of the feet.

• Take hold of each elbow with the opposite hand and soften around the eyes, jaw, neck, head, and mind.

• One can hold for a few breaths, or longer if one’s feels comfortable. If one’s has low blood pressure, take the time coming out of the pose.
Uttanasana is contraindicative for back pain, hamstring injuries, glaucoma, and high blood pressure.

5 Yoga Poses to Relieve Stress

3. Child’s Pose (Balasana)


• From hands as well as knees, take the sit-bones back over the heels and one’s hands out in front of you. Slowly fold the torso forward until one’s eyebrow center rests on the mat.

• The big toes touching, either have the knees together or separate the knees wider than one’s hips.

• Arms are traditionally resting back alongside the body, palms up, but one can stack one’s hands and forearms and rest one’s head there if that is preferred.

• If one’s hips or butt are not touching the heels, one can place a cushion in between so one can let go as well as relax. Stay for at least 10 breaths and let go as much as one can with every exhale.

4. Thunderbolt Pose (Vajrasana) Variation:

This pose is calming and good for digestion.


• From kneeling, sit back on the heels. It is possible to keep in place a cushion between the sit-bones and the feet if that is more comfortable.

• Maintain length in the spine, feeling the crown draw up toward the ceiling.

• Cross the hands in front of the chest and cup the palms at the underarms. Thumbs point out in front.

• Connect with one’s breath and notice how quickly the mind begins to slow as well as calm down. Stay for at least 10 breaths and feel as though a person was releasing tension and stress with every exhalation.

• Take cross legs in case of discomfort in sitting on the knees for this long.

5. Reclined Bound Angle Pose (Supta Baddha Konasana):

This does help a person to open through the hips, inner thighs, and groin, all places where it is possible to hold tension as well as stress. With the support of the floor beneath a person, it is possible to surrender to the moment and practice the art of letting go.


• Lie down on the back in Savasana. Take the soles of the feet together, knees out to the side. If one or both of the knees are quite far from the floor, it is better to use yoga blocks, bolsters, or folded blankets underneath them to make the pose more restorative.

• Options for the arms by taking them up overhead and take each elbow with opposite hands, or they can be resting on the floor alongside the torso. My favorite version is to put one hand on the heart center as well as the hand on the belly, creating a soothing connection within oneself.

• Stay for a period that feels comfortable. When the individual is ready to come out, move slowly.
Yoga poses, stress release yoga do help a patient who is stressed out.

Also read: 5 Yoga Poses to Help Relax the Mind 

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