5 things diabetic should do this summer

5 things diabetic should do this summer

Believe it or not, summers are bad for diabetics in more than one way. The rising mercury can activate a number of health problems that make it complicated for one to manage the condition efficiently. Although, here are 5 things a diabetic can do to stay fit this summer:

Drink more water:

Lack of sufficient fluid intake can guide to dehydration during summer. And diabetics have an improved risk of suffering from dehydration due to the high blood glucose level. This coupled with gastroenteritis, a condition that diabetics suffer from due to low immunity, just makes matters worse. So, drinking 2 to 3 litres of water throughout the day becomes therapeutic for diabetics in hot and humid conditions. Know if diabetes can add honey to their mix of warm water and lemon.

Say no to colas:

Relying on cold drinks and diet coke to quench thirst isnot a good option either. It could lead to common cold or sore throat due to low immunity. For someone suffering from the bronchitis, the condition may just get angry and require treatment. Since steroids are used to treat the condition this makes the existing diabetes uncontrollable. The same rule applies to alcoholics and smokers who are diabetic. Here is why drinking alcohol can be dangerous for an alcoholic.

Stay indoors frequently:

It is best to remain indoors from 11 am to 3 pm for diabetics who also suffer from the skin allergies. Even minor skin infections or allergies can burn up if exposed to the harsh sun rays and this is very common. Wearing long sleeves cotton clothes and using an umbrella can be of help when roaming around in the hot sun. Here are 7 warning signs a diabetic should watch out for.

Go for regular eye check-up:

Most people suffering from diabetes frequently have a pre-existing condition like diabetic retinopathy or glaucoma. 5 things diabetic should do this summerWith these conditions a person is flat to get a seasonal eye infection like say conjunctivitis or other infections. So missing on a scheduled eye check-up during the summer can be dangerous.

Keep a tab on blood sugar levels:

No matter the season, keeping the blood sugar levels in control is very important. People using an insulin pump should be more careful. Many times they leave their insulin pumps in the car for long hours which damages the device. Using a damaged device although unknowingly makes the sugar levels soar. Either be careful as using these handy devices or stay safe by doing usual blood tests.

Photo credit: Reg Natarajan / Foter / CC BY

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