Health benefits of Pumpkin

health benefits of pumpkin

Health benefits of Pumpkin

Nutritional benefits

Pumpkins are so cheerful looking with their bright colours. Its yellow-orange skin and flesh is packed with carotenoids.

Pumpkin is the good source of vitamins A, C, E and B vitamins and dietary fiber. Mineral wise, it is rich with potassium, iron, copper, manganese, sodium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, and zinc.

Health benefits of Pumpkin

This bright-coloured, gourd like crush is so rich with the nutrients that makes it very valuable vegetable from health perspective.

Anti-inflammatory effect:

Pumpkin seeds have the anti-inflammatory properties that are very useful against arthritis and joint inflammation.


The anti-oxidants effectual protects respiratory system from infections & free-radical attacks, reducing the healing asthma attacks.


he highly cleansing power of this orange-colored juice helps to scrub away old build-up of arterial deposits, reducing risks of heart diseases and stroke. The high anti-oxidants prevent the arteriosclerosis is hardening of arteries.

Bone health:

Pumpkin is also rich in calcium. I would make the pumpkin juice with carrots and broccoli that makes it so healthful for the bone development.


Pumpkin has high amounts of phytosterols that is similar to our human cholesterol. It can replace and normalize cholesterol to the healthy level.


One of cause of depression is the lack of trytophan in our diet. Pumpkin is rich with the L-tryptophan is an essential amino acid that our body cannot produce. When this chemical compound is supplied, it activates feeling of happiness and well-being, reducing depressed mood.

Dietary fiber:

The bulk that pumpkin flesh provides is helpful dietary fiber that helps in the gastrointestinal disorders for example indigestion, constipation etc. It also facilitates in lessening blood LDL cholesterol level and regulates blood sugar level.


Pumpkin juice -juiced uncooked act as an inborn diuretic, which is very useful for getting rid of toxins and useless waste materials by flushing them out of body. It can be included as the detoxifying food.

Eyesight or vision: Beta-carotene, lutein and zeaxanthin are some of finest nourishment that help to keep the optic system in tip-top condition, with the special protection against astigmatism, macular degeneration and cataracts.

Immune system:

It does wonders for enhancing the immune system by increasing production and performance of the white blood cells; building resistance to various kinds of the infections.

Kidney stones, prevent:

Pumpkin seeds are also great for kidneys. By taking about 5 to 10 grams of pumpkin seeds daily prevents stones formation in kidneys.

health benefits of pumpkinParasites:

In traditional Chinese medicine, pumpkin seeds are ground into the powder form to be drunk with juice for treatment of parasites or tapeworm infection.

Peptic ulcers:

Pumpkin has all right mix of medicinal properties that are calming to gastrointestinal tract, healing to digestive conditions and peptic ulcers. In this case, best to take in nutrients in juice form.

Prostate cancer:

The high content of zinc and carotenoids in pumpkin and its seeds help to protect against prostate cancer. These compounds prevents improvement of prostate and over-stimulation of male hormones that cause prostate problems.


The high quantity of anti-oxidants in form of vitamins A, C and E, and zinc, provide synergistic healing virtues that are great for skin. These healthful properties are best obtained by drinking of its juice daily.
Photo credit: .nate / Foter / CC BY-NC-SA

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