Dangers Of Using Olive Oil On Skin

Dangers of Using Olive Oil On Skin

So far, you were aware of the benefits of olive oil to remove makeup. Olive oil is fat-free as compared to other oils, & there are lots of advantages of using olive oil on the skin. Olive oil can decrease the chances of skin rashes. It is also helpful in treating dry skin. This moist and heavy oil can be applied to the body during winter. Olive oil can be one of the best options to treat dry and cracked heels and chapped lips.

Dangers Of Using Olive Oil On Skin

Then what are the dangers of Using Olive Oil On Skin?

Every good thing comes with some negative features. Olive oil is no exemption to the rule. There are some side effects of olive oil. The olive oil you’re buying from market contains some chemicals in it. You can not know how those chemicals would work on your skin. If you are allergic to the olive oil, you can even have skin irritation & rashes.

So, it is better to know the dangers of olive oil. You can not ignore the benefits of this oil on your health, but must also be conscious of the side effects. If you are aware of the dangers of olive oil on the skin, you can take precautions and know more ways to use it.

Causes Acne

It is one of the dangers of using olive oil on the skin. Olive oil is thick oil that is not absorbed into your skin quickly. Therefore, it creates a layer of your skin. If you apply it to the face, it traps dust and sebum and can cause acne and pimples face packs for oily skin.

Dangers of Using Olive Oil On SkinCauses Skin Rashes

If you have the oily skin, stop using it. Oily skin is the result of extreme sebum secretion. If it merges with an oily substance, you can have rashes, redness, and itching on your face.

Can Be Allergic

It is getting difficult to find the actual dangers of olive oil on the skin. But if you’re allergic to it, stay away from this oil as it can only aggravate your problem. If you face any allergic reaction due to olive oil, consult a doctor.

Better Not To Use on Newborn

Dangers of olive oil on the skin can be the worst for babies. You’re still not aware whether your new-born baby is allergic to it or not. So, don’t take the risk of massaging them with olive oil. Any skin problem can only make your little angel irritated.

Not Good For the Dry Skin

If it makes the skin oilier though you already have oily skin, many researchers suggest that the olive oil breaks natural moisturizer in case of dry skin. The oleic acid in it handles this.


The oily nature of the olive oil can cause blackheads on the skin. The greasy oil will cause the entrapment of dirt and dead skin in the pores.

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