What are the causes of male infertility? 


Male infertility doctors in Hyderabad are well versed to tackle male infertility issues. The best male infertility specialist in Hyderabad can help cure male infertility. Why not get treated as male.

Infertility hospital in Hyderabad?

Lifestyle, environmental, and age-related factors do affect male infertility. Male infertility doctors in Hyderabad know it all and help cope with male infertility. To conceive a child, a man’s sperm needs to combine with a woman’s egg.

Decreased fertility is more likely in men who have had this condition. Infertility can result from disorders of the testicles themselves or an abnormality affecting other hormonal systems including the hypothalamus, pituitary, thyroid as well as adrenal glands.

Couples who are infertile, have not been able to conceive a child with frequent, unprotected sexual intercourse for a year or longer. In such situations, male infertility does play at least a partial role.

Male infertility can indeed be caused by low sperm production; abnormal sperm function or even blockages that do prevent the delivery of sperm. Illnesses, injuries, chronic health problems, lifestyle choices as well as other factors may rather contribute to male infertility.
The inability to conceive a child can rather be stressful as well as frustrating, but a number of treatments are available for male infertility. It is better to approach the best male infertility specialist in Hyderabad for excellent guidance.


The main sign of male infertility happens to be the inability to conceive a child. There may be no other obvious signs or even symptoms.

In a few cases, however, an underlying problem such as an inherited disorder, hormonal imbalance, dilated veins around the testicles, or even a condition that does block the passage of sperm thus causing signs cum symptoms. Signs cum symptoms include:
Problems with sexual functioning — for example, difficulty with ejaculation or small volumes of fluid ejaculated, reduced sexual desire, or difficulty maintaining an erection (erectile dysfunction)

Pain, swelling, or a lump in the testicle area

Inability to smell

Recurrent respiratory infections

Inability to smell

Abnormal breast growth (gynecomastia)

Decreased facial or body hair or perhaps other signs of a chromosomal or hormonal abnormality

A lower than normal sperm count (fewer than 15 million sperm per milliliter of semen or a total sperm count of less than 39 million per ejaculate)

When to consult a doctor

Seeing a doctor is unable to conceive a child after a year of regular, unprotected intercourse or sooner is a good idea in case of:
Erection or ejaculation problems, low sex drive, or even other problems related to sexual function
Pain, discomfort, a lump, or swelling in the testicle area
A history of testicle, prostate, or even sexual problems
A groin, testicle, penis, or scrotum surgery
A partner over age 35


Male fertility happens to be a complex process. In order to the partner pregnant, the following must occur:
The man needs to produce healthy sperm.
Sperm have to be carried into the semen.
There does need to be enough sperm in one’s semen.
Sperm must be functional and be able to move.

Medical causes

Ejaculation issues.
Antibodies that attack sperm.
Defects of tubules that transport sperm
Undescended testicles.
Hormone imbalances.
Defects of tubules that transport sperm
Chromosome defects.
Celiac disease
Celiac disease.
Certain medications.
Prior surgeries.

Environmental causes

Industrial chemicals.
Radiation or X-rays.
Heavy metal exposure.
Overheating the testicles.

Health, lifestyle, and other causes

Drug use.
Tobacco smoking.
Alcohol use.


Avoid smoking.
Limit or abstain from alcohol.
Tobacco smoking.
Maintain a healthy weight.
Do not get a vasectomy.
Reduce stress.
Avoid things that lead to prolonged heat for the testicles.
Avoid exposure to pesticides, heavy metals, and other toxins.


If suffering from male infertility then it is a good idea to get treated at an infertility hospital in Hyderabad.

Also read:18 Ways to Boost Your Fertility

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