Top 10 Foods That Beat Diabetes In a month

Top 10 Foods That Beat Diabetes In a month

Top 10 Foods That Beat Diabetes In a month

Have you just made to know that the diabetic? Well, firstly do not get scared & worry much as it is the common health problem faced by each second person in the world. To get started, you want to know the status of your sugar level & maintain a healthy diet so that you can beat diabetes naturally & in the right direction in the span of 30 days.

Experts state that it is probable for one to overcome this disorder with the help of foods. Some foods help to bring drastically down the sugar level and control the insulin in a body.

When you consume these healthy foods regular, there is a major chance of your diabetes coming down and leaving. On the other hand, these foods on a list can also be eaten by those who are not diabetic but have members in a family who are, just

So that you can avoid the disease. So, what are you waiting? Take a look at top 10 foods that beat diabetes in a month:


Carrots are one among the best foods that can help to beat diabetes in a month and it is all because of the beta-carotene. In other terms, this orange veggie includes less amount of sugar which thereby controls and decreases the insulin level in the body.


The omega-3 fatty acids that are present in the fish is suitable for diabetics as it assists to reduce the insulin resistance in the body if you consume twice in the week.

Olive Oil

Today, some people are choosing for olive oil for the cooking purposes. This oil is healthy as the appearance of enough fat in the oil does not improve insulin immunity and, in fact, may also help to reverse it.

Top 10 Foods That Beat Diabetes In a month


White bread is a complete no as it is equal to consuming a good amount of table salt. However, multi-grain bread is the best as it slows down digestion as well as contains the lesser amount of calories which does not increase the weight along with a diabetic risk.

Citrus Fruits

From the many citrus fruits, oranges are just the best. One orange twice in the week can help to beat diabetes in a month. Oranges have a rich source of phytonutrients that beats diabetes, and other issues like flavonoids, carotenoids, terpenes, pectins and glutathione.


Almonds should be a diabetic’s best friend. Almonds are the rich source of fibre and protein content they have the ability to beat diabetes in just about 30 days.

Green Tea

Phytonutrients such as catechins & tannins can help balance the blood sugar, and green tea has loaded with them. So, make it the point to drink green tea twice in the day if one want to beat diabetes in a month.


Did you know why they say beans is enough? It is only because of the it contains different phytonutrients that help to beat diabetes fast. Add beans to the daily diet to also help with weight loss.


An apple per day does keep the doctor away. Biting into a red or green apple has considered to be a healthy treat for diabetics as its beats bad cholesterol & also helps to deal with blood-sugar swings.


Oats forms the bridge between the digestive enzymes in the stomach and the starch in the food to consume. This meal, when eaten, enables the carbs to take an extended amount of time before converting it to blood sugar.

Eat these Top 10 Foods That Beat Diabetes In a month help you control and fight your diabetes. Apples are naturally low in calories, yet their high fibre content (4 grams) fills you up, battles bad cholesterol. Such a magic food deserves a little sleight of hand in its preparation.

Photo credit : Google search

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