Super Foods to get perfect Skin Naturally

Super Foods to get perfect Skin

While genetics and lifestyle habits play a important role in the skin health, the right foods can also help you to fight acne, minimize the wrinkles,  to get perfect skin and improves your skin’s natural beauty.

Here we gave How to get Perfect skin

Tropical Fruit

Eating the guava, pineapple, papaya, kiwi, and other tropical fruits that contain vitamin C will help to defend your skin against the damaging free radicals. Vitamin C is powerful antioxidant that is naturally found in the skin, so eating the tropical fruits and other vitamin C rich foods can stock up your skin’s stores. Vitamin C also helps to your body produce collagen, a protein that helps to keep your skin firm and elastic.


This cruciferous veggie is the high in antioxidants, including vitamins C and E. The vitamin C in broccoli helps in collagen production and keeps your skin healthy and supple, as vitamin E protects your skin cell membranes and guards against UV radiation damage.


These nuts are one of best food sources of vitamin E. Eat whole almonds as a snack or add sliced almonds to salads, cereal, yogurt, stir–fry or baked goods. One can also toast almond slivers and serve them on the top of fish, chicken, or even rice or pasta dishes. The vitamin E in almonds can help to nourish your skin and protect it from the sun’s damaging UV rays. Just be sure to eat them in moderation, since almonds and other nuts are calorie–dense.

Whole Grain Pastas and Breads

Another skin friendly antioxidant is the mineral selenium, which is found in the whole grain pastas and breads. Selenium helps to protect your skin against environmental damage and promotes an elasticity and general skin health. High dose selenium supplements have been linked to health problems, so it is always best to get the selenium from delicious food sources.

Super Foods to get perfect Skin
Super Foods to get perfect Skin


Crunch on carrots to keep the skin healthy and vibrant. Carrots are high in beta carotene, an antioxidant that is converted to vitamin A inside the body. It helps to repair skin tissue and protects against the sun rays. Enjoy carrots raw in salads or with the low–calorie dip, or try roasting them to develop the rich, sweet flavor.

Pumpkin Seeds

Pumpkin seeds are the skin superfood because they are so high in zinc. Zinc protects your cell membranes, helps to maintain collagen, and promotes the skin renewal. Enjoy pumpkin seeds on their own as a snack, add them into homemade trail mix, or sprinkle them on yogurt or oatmeal.


Salmon, herring, mackerel, sardines, anchovies, and rainbow trout all contain omega–3 fats, which help to fortify skin cell membranes, protect against sun damage, and might also reduce the risk of certain forms of the skin cancer. These healthy fats allow water and nutrients into the skin as keeping toxins out, and might also fight inflammation in the skin. Just does not cancel out benefits of eating fish by preparing it in unhealthy ways. Avoid deep fried fish, and go for baked, grilled, roasted or poached instead.


It is not a food, per se, but water is vital when it comes to the skin health because it reddens toxins out of your body, delivers nutrients to your cells, and keeps your organs functioning. It also helps to keep your cells plump and full, which makes your skin look firmer and clearer. To get more water in the daily diet, fill up large reusable container with ice–cold water each morning, and keep drinking from it throughout the day. And drinking water is not the only way to keep the skin cells hydrated. Many fruits and veggies are more than 75 % water, so they are a terrific source of H2O, too.

The above mentioned super foods play a vital role in getting flawless skin. So use regularly by including in your regular diet or eat by adding with other food diets. These Super Foods to get perfect Skin.

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