Reheating These 6 Foods Could Kill You

Reheating These 6 Foods Could Kill You

Reheating of leftovers. Wow, it sounds like the recipe for a super lazy day. Have you tested you? Yes, many foods eat better with each warming session. Wait. What is health (read it safely), does not it? What do experts say to warm up the leftovers? The masters of Ayurveda say that you are breeding with “energy”. The gourmet maestros say that they absolutely enjoy paradise, especially the stews. What should you do then? Unless you want to do it in an energetic way, warming is not a bad idea as such. Simply spare these 6 foods – because reheating could prove fatal.  Know about Reheating These 6 Foods Could Kill You

1. Green Leafy Veggies

Green leafy vegetables, especially celery and spinach, and many other vegetables containing nitrates, should never be reheated. For a layman, dumping a curry in the microwave looks like changing the temperature of the food to his palatial preference. But if you stop and think before doing something like this, understand how drastic the changes are.

Moving from the freezer to the microwave is walking from Antarctica to Africa. How would you feel about your body? Similarly, vegetables and dishes also undergo many changes chemically. The nitrates in these vegetables turn into nitrites, which can be carcinogenic in some cases because they easily combine with amines and amides to form N-nitroso carcinogenic compounds.

2. Eggs

Eggs are packed with proteins, and heating at several temperatures can make them toxic. In addition, it is difficult for your digestive system to assimilate foods because it tends to become rubbery if heated more than necessary. Moreover, in general, heating eggs in the microwave is a delicate matter.

In fact, it is dangerous because heating an egg whole with its shell intact creates an immense pressure internally. It can explode immediately in the microwave or on your plate about 30 seconds later when you sit down to eat. Sometimes even pierced eggs behave this way. Make sure to do several holes to release the pressure from inside the egg.

Reheating These 6 Foods Could Kill You3. Breast Milk

There are three reasons why the reheating of stored breast milk is a non-incomplete one.

One, the microwave heating is uneven. That is, the milk will heat more in certain places and less in some. This is not only unpleasant for children but can also burn their tongues if the heating is too uneven.

Two, milk loses its fundamental immunological properties when heated (microwaves or otherwise). The very purpose of breast milk is lost if you allow this to happen.

Three, when you store breast milk in the refrigerator, the milk fats begin to separate. And if you forget to shake the bottle while warming up, things get worse. Again, the composition and properties of the milk will be changed. This is why nursing mothers are warned about the warming of breast milk.

You should instead pump just the necessary amount of milk into the bottles that run the risk of tinkering with the quality of the milk. Never use plastic bottles even if you are thinking of reheating breast milk. Instead, place your plastic bottles in boiling water if you want to warm the milk before feeding it to your baby.

4. Oil

Did not your mother tell you not to eat samosas at Chotu? You should have listened to her because she knows that Chotu uses the same oil to fry the samosas over and over again. Why is it unhealthy to reuse and reheat the oil once it has been used for frying? Research conducted on the heating/warming of fats and oils, as did the Indians of Asia, says that this practice leads to the formation of unhealthy trans fatty acids and to the increase of unsaturated fatty acids. What is worse is that it reduces saturated fatty acids in oils. A microwave oven or stove, an oil used in the past should be thrown away without thinking.

5. Potatoes

When you boil or cook potatoes first, leave them at room temperature, the toxic bacteria multiply rapidly because they find this temperature the most appropriate. When you reheat them, especially in the microwave, chances are that some cold spots remain intact.

Cold spots are areas that remain unheated, where bacteria continue to live and multiply. This could lead to food poisoning. This is exactly why they insist that you should stir the food while heating it to distribute heat evenly.

6. Chicken

Cooking chicken and eating is the fun part, but if you plan to consume the rest, it takes work. Be sure to immediately refrigerate the cooked chicken. The next time you want to eat it, make sure the chicken is overheated until the inside is hot. This way, you do not allow food poisoning, which causes bacteria to come near cooked chicken. Even if dude bacteria manages to taste your chicken, reheat it until it is hot will kill it. Poor man!

With legs apart, consider warming chicken on a stove because you can make sure it is heated evenly inside, unlike the microwave. Also, do not go to the edge of the great idea. Whenever you heat chicken, you change the protein structures, which is not very good for your intestine and your digestion.

So, what is it that cooks? Last night’s chicken heating? I suppose not! Is not it a wonderful excuse to cook delicious fresh varieties every day? What do you want to do – do you still heat the chicken last night? Comment below to let me know.

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