Natural Pumpkin Beauty Face Pack

Pumpkin Beauty Face Pack

The largely sized vegetable which often sits around the corner of our kitchen & least used amongst the natural vegetables is the pumpkin. Although it is rich in the broad set of proteins, it is lagging its consequence due to the deficiency of consciousness regarding it amongst us. It incorporates antioxidants, retinoic acid, beta-carotene and Vitamins A, C, E. It includes the precious minerals such as potassium, copper, phosphorus, calcium, & the vitamins like folates, vitamin B-6, & niacin promotes the health of the skin. Aside from the pumpkin paste, pumpkin seeds include of proteins, omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins, & abundant minerals. In this article gathered the different Natural Pumpkin Beauty Face Pack.

The Pumpkin is the healthy vegetable that applies to food. But you can implement it as the beauty recipes. Pumpkin face pack is the excellent face pack for cleansing & moisturizing the rough skin. It will give you refreshment, smoothness.

Pumpkin and green apple Face Pack

Take-Two a small piece of pumpkin, and mix green apple and pineapple with an equal quantity of pumpkin. And make the thick paste of green apple, ripe pumpkin, & pineapple. Use it on the face and neck. Wash off when this face pack would be dry.

Pumpkin Beauty Face Pack

Egg and Pumpkin Face pack

Take two small pumpkins pieces and grind it till it converts the thick paste. Now mix two egg’s yolk only & few drops of the sandalwood. Combine all ingredient correctly & massage this pack covering whole face & neck. Clean it off with cold water after seldom.

Pumpkin, Vitamin E, and Lemon Face Pack

Prepare this face pack by getting some pumpkin & adding two to three capsules of Vitamin E & few drops of lemon. Apply it on a face and clean it off after twenty minutes.

Pumpkin & Oatmeal Face Pack

It is a great exfoliating face pack which provides a clear & bright skin. Combine the pumpkin pulp with oatmeal & honey and use it on the face. Clean it after

Pumpkin, Rice Flour, and turmeric face pack

This pack serves as the excellent skin whitener. Make the mask by combining pumpkin puree, turmeric powder, rice powder, & milk in the bowl. Use this paste on the face by the fingertips also allow it for twenty minutes. Clean it off with water by rubbing it smoothly.

Pumpkin face packs with red lentil powder and curd

This face pack makes an exceptional anti-aging pack. It is a great mask for the adult skin as it provides the skin care for preventing the process of aging. It is also the perfect way to get rid of the extra or unwanted facial hair. Make the paste by red lentil powder, pumpkin puree, and curd then apply the mixture on the face. Allow it to dry & then discard with water doing circular steps of the finger.

Fruit-veggie facial pack

Combine pumpkin pulp with some crushed pineapple & apple slices. Once you have the homogeneous paste, use this pack on the face & neck. Clean it off with cold water once it dry. This pack assists cleanse & moisturize the skin.

Pumpkin and sandalwood powder:

This pack offers the best pack to cure acne & lighten the acne scars. Make the paste applying sandalwood powder & pumpkin paste and combine a few drops of honey to it. Use the compound on the face & neck and leave it for about twenty minutes. Clean the face with the cold water.

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