Most Beautiful Passion Flowers In the World

Passion Flowers

passion flowers also called as Passiflora. It is an evergreen climber with beautiful and exotic flowers. The first explorers and missionaries of Christianity used the complex parts of this flower to tell the story of the death of Jesus. According to legend, the 10 petals and sepals represent the 10 apostles who remained faithful to Jesus throughout the Passion. The filaments symbolized the crown of thorns that Jesus bore on the day of his death. The plant also bears brightly colored fruits that are appreciated by the local population.

List Of passion flowers Images:

Passiflora Alata:

Passion Flowers

                                     Image: google search

Alata is a very perfumed passionflower with red curved petals and a prominent fringed crown in violet and white stripes. Its leaves are long and bright green in color. Its yellow egg-shaped fruits are highly prized by the local population. Alata flowers every year in late summer and early autumn in full sun.

Passiflora Caerulea:

passion flowers

                                           Image: google search

Caerulea called the King of Passiflora. This white flower is about 10 cm in diameter and is surmounted by a corona of violet filaments. It has deeply lobed dark green leaves that spread like a hand. The base of each leaf has a tendril that wraps around supporting the vegetation.

Passiflora Ligularis Granadilla:

passion flowers

                                         Image: google search

Ligularis is a medium green passion flower with large heart-shaped leaves. The flower has greenish white sepals and pale pink petals. Its fruits are orange with purple marks. Fruits can be eaten directly from the shell or the pulp can be extracted to make a refreshing drink.

Passiflora Incarnate Alba:

passion flowers

                                        Image: google search

Alba is a pure white flower of passion with yellow anthers. It is 2 to 3 inches wide and has exotic floral appendages and frills. This flower produces edible fruits that used to prepare jams and chutneys. It is the most resistant flower of passion and can easily survive moderately cold winters.

[Also Read: Beautiful Marigold Flowers]

Red Passiflora Coral Sea:

passion flowers

                                                 image: google search

The sea of coral is a flower 3 inches wide with pink coral petals and a small purple filament. This manicata hybrid created by Patrick Worley in 1983. Its medium green lush leaves have broad lobes. The flower grows best in the shaded place but requires good sunlight to bloom well.

Passiflora Sanguinolenta:

passion flowers

                                               Image: google search

Sanguinolenta is vigorous growing the vine with 2 large leaves that resemble a pair of butterfly wings. The dark pink coral buds look like candles nestled in the foliage that opens to reveal a delicate pink reflected coral flower. It grows only 9 inches tall, much less than most passionate vines. It is a perfect vine for small gardens and containers.

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