How To Wash Face With Rice Water?

How To Wash Face With Rice Water?

How To Wash Face With Rice Water?

#water #facewash #ricewater #beautycare #beautytips

Rice can also be used for the skin care. Do you know that the beauty secret of some of the super models who believe in the natural remedies? Well, they clean their facial skin with the rice water for at least once a week. Are you aware of benefits of cleaning face with rice water?

 This process, lightens the skin & also prevents the certain skin problems. Irrespective of the skin type, you can try it out. Also, it just takes the few minutes to stop the process.

Is rice water good for the face? Some beauticians say that when wash the face with rice water frequently, you can slowly see the skin becoming flawless & glowing. Yes, you can see some change if you are annoyed up with wrinkles or spots.

Another good thing is that the skin make tighter up a bit reducing the look of pores. As rice is rich in minerals, vitamins, & antioxidants too, the skin would be refreshed & nourished.

Use it as the  cleanser once & see how it works. Are you amazing how to rinse the face with rice water? Well, go through the below steps.

How To Wash Your Face With Rice Water

How To Wash Face With Rice Water?Step  : 1

Firstly, fill a cup with rice. The first step is to wash it so that dust and impurities get washed out in the water. After washing the rice, remove that water.

Step  : 2

 Add fresh water again to that rice & mix it well with the hand. Now allow the rice to soak in that water for a span of thirty minutes. Let nutrients in the rice get into the water.

Step  : 3

Now, remove that water from the rice & splash it on the face. Massage gently using the fingers. Follow this process for six minutes.

Step  : 4

Now again rinse your face with clean water & finish the process. Use a dry towel to quietly slap the skin. Your skin would look fresh & clean after this process.

Step  : 5

Some people even use the water to wash hair as it makes it shiny. If you have sensitive skin or scalp, consult your dermatologist before trying the above remedies.


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