How To Use Tamarind For Skin Whitening?

How To Use Tamarind For Skin Whitening?

Tamarind is one of best things to use on the face to enhance your color naturally. Using the tamarind on your skin would remove blemishes in no time as well. Even though this kitchen ingredient may burn if you have the sensitive skin, therefore, it is best to do the rough test behind your ear to check if ingredient agrees with you or not. Go on read the article to know How To Use Tamarind For Skin Whitening?

Benefits of Tamarind For Skin Whitening

Blood purifier:

Tamarind juice is also used in cosmetics such as tamarind face mask and face scrub. This contains acids, minerals, dietary fiber & Vitamin C which is a good blood purifier.

Cooling effect:

This pass on the cooling effect to the body temperature. Therefore, the drink is to be consumed to cure sun strokes in the tropical region.


Tamarind juice is anti-inflammatory that can be useful to cure a sore throat. Gargle with the tamarind juice to decrease the pain and soothe a sore throat. It can also be applied on to the joints to soothe the inflammation and pain.


Many of the people with obesity require to lose weight to maintain their body weight.  Tamarind juice can be very beneficial in such cases for weight loss and for treating obesity.


This is very high in the antioxidants that are useful to lower the boosts risk of cancer and get better the body’s immune system.

Immune system:

This juice contains many of the antioxidants that are beneficial for good health. This also Strengthen the immune system and other issues related to it like cold, cough, flu, etc.


Tamarind juice is the very rich source of the antioxidants that protect the body from dangerous free radicals.

How To Use Tamarind For Skin Whitening?Metabolism:

Tamarind juice enhances the metabolism that in turn is an excellent way to decrease the weight loss.


The tamarind flowers juice is extracted and this is to be drunk to cure the bleeding piles.


Tamarind juice is the mild laxative. This is used to treat anger disorders and helps the body to combat against viral infections such as cold and fever.

Eye care:

The tamarind pulp juice can be used to cure conjunctivitis. Eye drops are prepared by the traditional means using the tamarind seeds to cure dry eye syndrome.


Using the tamarind for skin whitening is also considered to be best since it allows you to see results in a couple of days. On the other hand, it is important to use some other ingredient to go with tamarind for the skin whitening, since it will not harm your skin. For example, olive oil used on the skin after application of tamarind will make the skin feel soft and tender. So, make sure to use the natural oil only after the tamarind face pack.

Use As Face Wash

To use tamarind for the skin, try to first use it as a face wash. Simply soak tamarind in water and use the contents post washing your face as a wash.

Use As Face Mask

Use tamarind for the skin whitening twice in the week. Grind the piece of tamarind and use milk to make a mixture. Apply the paste and when dry wash.

Use As Face Scrub

Make the natural face scrub with the tamarind to get rid of dead cells. By doing so, it enhances the look on the face and thus makes you look more glowing.

Use As Face Toner

Apart from using the tamarind for skin lightening, you can also use it as an overall skin toner. Tamarind is mixed with the rose water and used as a toner for the skin in summer.

As An Exfoliator

Use tamarind powder and tamarind juice as an exfoliator. Through this, the quality of the skin would enhance, thus making you look fairer and beautiful.

For Dark Eyes

Sometimes those dark circles can make you look the dull and dark, therefore to work on dark circles, use the tamarind paste mask to help with the skin whitening. Apply the mask to your under eyes and leave in for 10 minutes, before removing with cold milk.

Method to Make the Tamarind Paste

How To Use Tamarind For Skin Whitening?

  • Clean and rinse the tamarind.
  • Grind the tamarind with the little milk and turmeric powder.
  • When done, keep aside for 10 minutes and then use tamarind for the skin whitening.

Method To Make Tamarind Juice

  • To prepare tamarind juice for skin lightening, follow the procedure:
  • Wash and clean tamarind.
  • Remove all the seeds.
  • Now soak at least 3 pieces of tamarind in a little warm water.
  • If the water is too thick add a little water and keep aside.

Use Essential Oil After using the tamarind on the skin, make sure to massage the face with an essential natural oil like olive or coconut oil. This would give out the better feel to your skin.

Use Milk If not oil, you can also wash the face with pure cold milk. This would help to make you feel fresh after using tamarind for the skin.

In the above article, you learn How To Use Tamarind For Skin Whitening and also Tamarind Paste and Tamarind Juice.

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