How to care for bald head?

How to care for bald head?
How to care for bald head?

Baldhead is liked by some men. It needs to be taken care of. Even in extreme weather conditions efforts needs to made to protect the bald head.
Men do experience significant hair loss by the age of 35. In the past, several men have made use of elaborate wigs, toupees, and weave or gone in for hair plugs or transplants and not always gaining convincing results. Baldhead, bald head treatment has to be given much importance in order to maintain a bald head well.

There are baldness support groups. Eminent personalities have worn hairpieces or had some sort of thatch enhancement done including Hollywood celebs. The bald look did become very popular and even now the bald look is shown in movies.

Shaving off the hair is quite common as the “macho look” has become very popular. A clean-shaven look is also much in demand by men of all ages and hairlines. Campaigns have been organized to celebrate and create a community for bald and “bald-curious” men. Baldhead, bald head treatment cannot be negated at any cost.

Much effort has to be made to take care of the bald head. Serious health and skincare issues can indeed arise with a bald head. Be careful and protect your scalp to avoid these conditions.

How to care for bald head?


A bare pate does, in fact, draw more irritants than one with hair.


Scalp acne does differ from that typically developed during puberty for it occurs when hair follicles clog and form red bumps.


Failure to take care of the scalp does, of course, create a flaky situation, even without wool on the top. Here you can see How to Get Rid of Dandruff.

1. Do not ditch the shampoo and conditioner

Those tiny hairs on one’s head may be hard to see, but they still need some love! Oils and dirt can build up on a bald scalp, so be sure to use a dab of shampoo when one’s showers and follow up with a moisturizing conditioner to keep that head flake-free. And while soap or body wash may appear to be an easy option, they can have a drying effect. It is best to stick with products made for hair.

2. Shield one’s scalp from the sun

One needs to protect the scalp from the rays of the hot sun.
Hair, in fact, does keep the head warm and protected. Once one is bald one needs to cope up with the vagaries of weather, be it cold weather or hot weather.

3. Keep hydrated and moisturize

It is better to stay hydrated and using moisturizer in order to cope up with the hot sun rays or even dry winter months. Too much sun rays can make the bad head rough and dry. It is advisable to get hydrated by drinking plenty of water and using a sensitive-skin moisturizer on one’s head.

4. Try a scalp massage

By rubbing the bad head one tends to stimulate the scalp promotes good blood flow and also encourages healthy hair growth.

5. Explain shaved head

Several questions are asked as to why a shaved head. It is better to explain. Be prepared for questions.

Baldhead, bald head treatment can be carried out in a professional manner.
It is but obvious that several men do go in for a bald head. Yet it has to be taken care of well. No doubt a clean-shaven look does draw much attention and people are curious to know as to why a bald head has been preferred. Naturally, one has to be willing to answer their questions as a bald head does rouse curiosity.

Also read: Hair Treatment for men

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