Home remedies to get rid of skin ulcer

Home remedies to get rid of skin ulcer

What causes skin ulcers?

Different skin ulcers do have different underlying causes, which do range from poor circulation to bacterial infections.

At first, a skin ulcer might indeed look like mild skin irritation or a slightly discolored patch of skin. Over time, the skin tissue will rather begin to disintegrate, forming a shallow wound.


A healthcare provider can also diagnose a skin ulcer based on its appearance. They will rather review the person’s medical history and symptoms in order to determine the underlying cause before recommending treatment options.

Treatment for skin ulcer

  • A healthcare provider will rather determine the treatment for a skin ulcer.
  • Treatment for skin ulcers much depends on the severity and the underlying cause of the ulcer.
  • A person can also treat a skin ulcer at home if it is small and does not show signs of infection. Treatment for mild ulcers does focus on preventing infection. Keep the ulcer clean as well as covered, if it is not leaking.
  • Signs of an infected ulcer do include swelling, pain, drainage, or a foul odor. People who notice any of these symptoms require medical attention.

Home remedies to get rid of skin ulcerTreating a severe ulcer does involve:

  • Removing the dead tissue to stimulate the healing process
  • Making use of oral or topical antibiotics to treat any bacterial infection
  • taking pain medication to relieve discomfort

Poor circulation is a major contributing factor to skin ulcer development. Improving proper circulation can also help treat and prevent ulcers.

Some ways that may improve circulation and also prevent ulcers include:

• wearing compression stockings
• elevating the legs
• quitting smoking
• exercising regularly
• maintaining a healthy body weight

Home remedies for skin ulcer

People with the help of home remedies can treat skin ulcers:


  • Turmeric does contain curcumin, a chemical that possesses anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, and antioxidant properties. Because of the curcumin, turmeric may also help heal skin wounds.
  • After cleaning the affected skin, one can try applying a generous amount of turmeric powder to the ulcer. Then cover it with a clean bandage.

Saline water

  • The saline solution happens to be a sterile mixture of distilled water as well as salt. People can make use of the saline solution to cleanse as well as remove dead skin from ulcers.
  • The regular saline solution does contain only 0.9 percent salt, so it should not irritate the ulcer. People can buy the saline solution in stores or even make their own at home.


Honey possesses powerful antimicrobial properties, due to its high concentration of sugar as well as polyphenols. Results of several laboratories along with clinical studies do indicate that honey is effective against many bacteria associated with skin disorders.


Skin ulcers do develop as a result of poor circulation, infections, or prolonged pressure. Treating an ulcer early can indeed reduce the risk of infection and also serious complications. Infected ulcers may, in fact, require draining as well as antibiotic treatment.

People can prevent skin ulcers by:

  • treating medical conditions that do cause poor circulation, such as varicose veins, venous insufficiency, and diabetes
  • quitting smoking
  • maintaining a healthy weight
  • avoiding sitting or lying the same position for too long

A person should speak with a healthcare provider if they suspect that they have a skin ulcer, or if a wound is healing very slowly.

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