Healthy summer drinks-Coriander Juice

Healthy summer drinks-Coriander Juice

Here is an wonderful green juice recipe that is made with the fresh coriander leaves. The juice of coriander also known as cilantro is beneficial in producing vitamin A, B1, B2, C and iron. It is also highly beneficial in treating the digestive disorders such as indigestion, nausea, dysentery, hepatitis and colitis. Let us start how to prepare healthy summer drinks – coriander juice.

Health Benefits:

  • Regular drinking of coriander juice, lowers the blood cholesterol and is highly effectual in kidney functioning.
  • Try this quick & easy coriander juice recipe, having more medicinal values….

Ingredients to prepare healthy summer drinks-coriander juice:

  • Coriander or cilantro or Kothumeri leaves : a bunch
  • Lime juice : 1 to 2 tbsp
  • Salt : ½ tsp
  • Water : 1 small glass

Methods to prepare healthy summer drinks-coriander juice:

  1. Take a bunch of Coriander /or Kothumalli leaves.Healthy summer drinks-Coriander Juice
  2. Wash it clean.
  3. Cut it in small pieces.
  4. Put it in a pot and pour clean water.
  5. Boil it for 10 minutes.
  6. Let it cool down.
  7. Filter it and pour it in a clean bottle.
  8. Keep it inside refrigerator to cool.

Serve this healthy summer drinks-coriander juice with chilled by adding lime juice and salt.

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