Dye Your Tresses With Lemon Juice

Dye Your Tresses With Lemon Juice

Dye Your Tresses With Lemon Juice

#dyeyourtresseswithlemonjuice #lemomjuice #hairdyewithlemonjuice

Lemon juice, It is the safest, most potent natural ingredient you can use on the hair to dye it from the black to white or blonde. Lemon juice is the best as it has acids that naturally turn the locks to the lighter shade.

Though, it is not that prominent like the chemically based products; it is best to use since it is least harmful. When you use lemon juice on your hair, make sure that your hair has no oil and is not greasy cause it will not have an effect on your locks.

Here are some of the tricks or tips to keep in mind when using lemon juice to dye your hair or when you Dye Your Tresses With Lemon Juice.

Dye Your Tresses With Lemon JuiceStep 1:

Take 2 to 3 lemons. Roll them in the palm of the hand to melt it. When soft, cut the lemons in half & squeeze out as much juice you probably can. Store them in a clean vessel.

Step 2:

Now add the same amount of the warm water to the lemon juice & mix it well using the help of the spoon. You can also combine the juice of an orange to lessen the frizz on your hair. It is also the good conditioner to your tresses.

Step 3:

Now apply the contents of your hair evenly. You can both spray the contents by using a bottle spray container, or you can only dab the piece of cotton in the juice & soak your hair in it if applying on the entire head. For highlights, use the piece of foil, until the liquid dries on the hair.

Step 4:

After the treatment is done, step into the sun. You want to sit in the sun for at least an hour or so, to make the colour visible on your hair. If, after the aspired time, your hair is not yet bleached or lighter in the shade, re-apply the lemon juice & this time make the concentration stronger. Sit in the sun again for an hour or half to see miracles in the hair colour.

Step 5:

After the time limit, rinse your hair with lukewarm water and voila, your hair is dyed naturally with the help of lemon juice. It is one of the best ways to dye your hair naturally. It will assist in the reduction of hair fall, split ends & will also get rid of dandruff cause lemon juice works surprises on a scalp that is flaky with dandruff.

Tip –

Since this natural way to dye the hair is a long process, Steep chamomile tea in hot water for adding lemon juice to it. It helps in giving you beautiful golden highlights. It is also the faster process to dye your hair naturally.

Photo credit : Google search

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