Corona virus vaccine update : Countries ahead that are closest in finding a treatment

Coronavirus vaccine update : Countries ahead that are closest in finding a treatment

Worldwide efforts are on to treat Corona virus and the treatment for Coronavirus does involve the search for a viable vaccine. The Coronavirus incubation period is still on.

Coronavirus cases across the world are rising in numbers despite stringent lockdown and containment measures. The United States has been the worst affected nation, followed by the UK, Italy, and Spain. The spread of Coronavirus does not show signs of slowing down. Efforts are on across the world by researchers and several governments to develop a vaccine.

World leaders as well as organizations, except the United States, have already pledged $8 billion to research, manufacture as well as distribute a vaccine along with required and treatments for COVID-19. At the same time, individual efforts are on by several countries and their respective pharmaceutical firms to develop a vaccine. Much effort is on towards treatment for Coronavirus.

How the world is affected by Coronovairus?

The United States is leading as far as cases are concerned and are trying to develop a vaccine. Pharma giant Pfizer has in fact already injected the first experimental vaccine on patients in the US. Gilead has ramped-up activities to make virus treatment drug Remdesivir, which has been showing ‘very promising’ results. It is also hoped that an ‘anti-body’ treatment drug may be made available by this fall. Several top pharmaceutical companies such as Moderna, Johnson & Johnson, and other biopharmaceutical companies are trying to develop the COVID-19 vaccine.

Italian scientists claim they have developed it. Coronavirus cure update highlights these efforts and it is worth knowing more about the issue.

The UK scientists also claim to have made a potential vaccine for Coronavirus. Also, UK biotech company Synairgen’s drug referred to as Interferon Beta has been injected in patients as part of initial trials, which is hoped to show results soon. It is normally used for the treatment of multiple sclerosis. UK has in fact set aside 388 million euros to fund vaccine research, tests, and treatments. About 31 active case studies for vaccine development are in fact going on in the UK as of now. 

The coronavirus incubation period is on no doubt. Israel claims that the Israel government’s Institute for Biological Research (IIBR) has rather developed an antibody to the novel Coronavirus and is going to patent and mass-produce the potential treatment.

China according to WHO data claims four vaccines under human trials. Except for the DNA-based vaccine tried out by US-based Inovio Pharmaceuticals, all the other vaccines are now in the process of undergoing Phase 1 and Phase 2 human trials together with ifor fast development process in treating the virus.

Chinese vaccines that are under development emanate from CanSino Biological Inc-Beijing Institute of Biotechnology, Wuhan Institute of Biological Product-Sinopharm, Beijing Institute of Biological Products with Sinopharm, as well as an independent SARS platform-based inactivated vaccine from Sinovac.

Coronavirus vaccine update : Countries ahead that are closest in finding a treatment

Italy is involved in about 59 active case studies. A team of Italian scientists does indeed claim to have discovered the world’s first vaccine that can neutralize the deadly virus. Italian scientists at Rome’s Spallanzani Hospital have rather claimed that they are the first to neutralize the virus via a vaccine. The results are supposed to be promising.

India s also actively involved in developing a vaccine and in fact, more than 30 vaccines are in various stages of development in India. In fact, the University of Oxford’s vaccine is also being developed with multiple partners that include India’s Serum Institute of India. The WHO admits that out of the 100 projects under pre-clinical stages, Indian companies such as Zydus Cadila, Codagenix-Serum Institute of India, Indian Immunologicals with Griffith University, Bharat Biotech with the Thomas Jefferson University, Biological E Ltd, and the UW Madison-FluGen-Bharat Biotech are all making attempts to come with a viable vaccine for Coronavirus.

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