Cancer Patient after Surgery Diet Chart

Cancer Patient after Surgery Diet Chart

Cancer Patient after Surgery Diet Chart

It is needless to say that battling cancer is very difficult. Many succumb to the disease due to lack of moral support, medical care and the much-needed grit and will power. To cope with the after effects of medications, treatments, radiations and surgery, apart from strong will power you also need to follow a well-planned diet chart. The American Cancer Society provides updated guidelines for physical activities and nutrition.

Here are the few dietary considerations recommended for cancer patients post surgery or Cancer Patient after Surgery Diet Chart:

Reduce Dietary Fat

According to studies, high-fat increases the risk of all types of cancers and heart disease. Hence, a patient who has undergone a survival treatment like surgery for cancer should compulsorily exclude foods containing high-fat levels. The statistics say that a low-fat diet has directly linked to better survival and lower recurrence rate.

How to Reduce Dietary Fat in the Diet?

  • Eat very small portion of high-fat foods
  • Replace the regular fatty foods with vegetables, beans, grains, and
  • Broil or bake the foods, avoid frying them
  • Eat small servings of lean meat cuts
  • Choose low-fat or nonfat milk, dairy products
  • Replace pork, lamb and beef with poultry, fish and beans
  • While buying always look for labels with extra lean, fat-free or low-fat

Get Enough Fat-Soluble Vitamins

You must include foods that provide enough fat-soluble vitamins such as vitamins A, E, K and D as well as calories and proteins. It is all the more important to monitor the intake of vitamins and proteins if you have unintentionally lost weight due to hormone therapy, chemotherapy or radiation therapy. If your weight is below normal, then you must increase calorie intake by eating foods such as sauces, eggs, butter, milk, cheese, gravies and foods that are higher in fat. But once your weight is back to normal, shift to the low-fat diet.

Eat Foods from Plant Sources

The American Cancer Society recommends that most of the foods that you eat must be from the plant sources such as vegetables, fruits and grains. You must eat at least five servings of foods based on plants, including cereals, rice, beans, pasta, grain products and bread.
The vegetables and fruits has loaded with phytochemicals, a group of chemicals that help to prevent a certain type of cancer and improves the survival chances of the cancer patients post surgery and treatment.

Cancer Patient after Surgery Diet ChartThe high-fibre cereals, vegetables, legumes, whole grains and fruits provide dietary fibre that improves bowel function and help to build up the immunity system of the body.

You can improve your survival rate after the surgery by following these tips:

  • Drink 100 percent juice at snack-time or breakfast
  • Choose only whole grains and avoid the refined ones
  • Replace meat with beans
  • Snack on fresh, dried or raw veggies and fruits
  • Try to include different types of grains, vegetables and fruits in every meal
  • Include fruits, vegetables, and grains in every meal.

Use Soy Foods in Moderation

Soy-based foods block the estrogens that are instrumental in promoting the growth of certain cancers responding to this hormone such as breast cancer. However, it should be used in moderation; just one serving per day or it may reverse the effect and may initiate the growth of cancerous cells in your body.

You must also avoid consumption of soy powders and capsules in concentrated doses.

Drink 7 to 9 Glasses Water Every Day

Water is an integral part of any healthy eating plan. Increasing your water intake becomes all the more important when you are undergoing chemotherapy. The chemical radiations destroy not only the cancer cells but also the healthy cells, which die due to dehydration.

Drinking water at regular intervals rehydrates the cells and flushes out the excess toxins and medicines from your system that had administered during surgery and treatment.

In addition to moral support and the determination to fight the disease, it is prudent to consume a diet that is nutritious and wholesome. Eat healthily, and follow your doctor’s instructions and treatment plan diligently, and you will be up and about on your feet again!

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