Benefits of Guava leaves for health, skin, and hair

Benefits of Guava leaves for health

Guava leaves are hugely beneficial as they provide a broad range of health benefits, and also useful for skin and hair. Here explained regarding Benefits of Guava leaves for health, skin, and hair.

Guava is a very popular variety of fruit available Asian countries and also available in western countries. The fruit is available pear-shaped or round with light green, yellow or maroon skin & white or maroon flesh that includes many small and hard edible seeds.

It contains vitamins B2, E, & K, fiber, calcium, phosphorus, folate, copper, iron, manganese, and potassium. By all the nutrition that it gives, guava only contains any fats. Furthermore, it is one of the least chemically managed & sprayed fruits.

They also the rich source of healthy fiber, vitamin A, vitamin C, & potassium. These are many of the most significant Health benefits of guava leaves:

Benefits of Guava leaves for Health

Treats Diarrhea

Guava leaves tea can help restrain diarrhea-causing bacteria. One of the studies published that guava leaves infusion inhibits the growth of Staphylococcus aureus bacteria which is the common cause of diarrhea.

When you are suffering from diarrhea, drink guava leaves tea a few times per day. This tea may cause fewer stools, reduce abdominal pain, lessen watery stools and promote a quick recovery.

Promotes Digestion

Guava fruit is also great for the digestive tract. Guava leaves are rich in antibacterial property benefits clean the gastrointestinal tract, inhibiting bacterial & microbial growth, and also consists if fibers content that promotes digestion & proper excretion.

To avoid stomach-associated problems, chew guava leaves or have the raw guava daily.

Improves Your Immunity

Guava leaves are high in vitamin C content, so it plays a significant role in Strengthen immune system. Your immunity is your body’s protection mechanism that preserves it from various diseases & infections. Also, guava leaves anti-inflammatory activity & its capacity to discourage inflammatory molecules similar prostaglandins assist keep you disease free.

Increase Resistance

Have one guava daily to increase resistance to common diseases like colds, coughs, & the flu. One can further enjoy guava in soothing, smoothies or salads, or sip a cup of tea prepared from guava leaves regular. This tea also treats bronchitis.

Lowers LDL

The tea prepared from guava leaves helps to lower the LDL (bad) cholesterol, & at the same time doesn’t affect the HDL (good) cholesterol

Reduces Blood sugar levels:

The guava leaves tea reduces the blood sugar levels & is great in the case of diabetes, as it doesn’t trigger the release of insulin

Solves fertility problem:

The guava leaves tea is extremely useful in the case of fertility problems facing by men.

Ear infection

Apply the guava leaves the paste on minor cuts like scrapes or abrasion will remove them & prevent infections. One can also treat an outer ear infection also, by dropping some guava leaves juice on the affected area

Benefits of Guava leaves for hair growth

Stimulates Hair Growth:

Boil few guavas leave in some of the water, allow the solution to cool, & apply it on the scalp from the roots and massage it. It will stimulate hair growth and thereby stop the hair loss

Benefits of Guava leaves for healthBenefits of  Guava leaves for Skincare:


Guava leaves treat the itching caused by allergies. You should apply crushed guava leaf onto the affected area


The guava leaves can use as an effective face scrub. Crush the few leaves with add them to some water, & use them to get naturally rid of blackheads. Not only reduces blackheads but also blackheads on chin.


Make a fine paste by grinding some of the guava leaves with water. Then, use that paste as a facial scrub, & thus thereby prevent premature skin aging.

Keeps Skin Healthy

Guava, mainly red guava, includes high antioxidant properties. Antioxidants aid neutralize free radicals that can harm your body at the cellular level.

It can lead to signs of aging like wrinkles & saggy skin, dryness & a dark complexion. The vitamin C in guava animates production of collagen & elastin, the necessary proteins that assist keep the skin firm & elastic.

Treats acne:

Furthermore, the astringent properties in the guava leaves help refine skin texture, preserve it from the damaging impacts of the sun’s UV rays & limit problems like forehead acne, acne & pimples.

Eat guava leaves regular to enjoy healthy skin. One can also wash your skin with the decoction made of guava leaves. The guava leaves tea is a rich source of vitamin c, therefore helps us to treats forehead acne, acne & pimples

Other benefits of Guava Leaves

Not only guava leaves are useful for skin and hair, but it has many more benefits like helpful for weight loss, dental problems, etc

Guava leaves for weight loss

The tea made from guava leaves gives the feeling of satiety, so it promotes weight loss & prevents the transformation of carbohydrates into sugar.

Dental problems

Many people suffer from dental problems. So use these tips like chewing guava leaves can treat a toothache, sores in the oral cavity, & inflamed gums

Food poisoning:

The guava leaves tea aids in the case of food poisoning & upset stomach


Guava leaves tea has believed to able to treat enlarged or swollen prostate & cancer

Treat Dengue:

Guava leaves efficiently treat the dengue. You should boil nine of them in five cups of water until the water has decreased to half.

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