Top 11 amazing health benefits of guava

Benefits of guava

Top 11 amazing health benefits of guava

Packed with a variable of hard, tiny seeds at the centre, guavas, popularly called ‘amood’, are seasonal, tropical fruits that has sold in local Indian markets. Apart from their different flavour and lovely intense aroma, guavas are also known for their nutrition & multiple health benefits. Here are top 11 surprising health benefits of guava you need to know.

This excellent fruit is a powerhouse of nutrients. If the adage says that “An apple per day keeps the doctor away” in Europe & Americas, the phrase is presumably changed to “A few guavas in the season keeps the doctor away for the full year” in the Indian Subcontinent & places where guavas typically grow. Its scientific name is “Psidium Guajava”.

What makes guava unique is that preserving the fruit does not need the extreme use of chemical pesticides as in the box of grapes, apple, & other so-called “exotic” fruits. It is one of the least chemically treated and sprayed fruits.

Increases immunity:

Guavas are one of the richest sources of the vitamin C, containing four times the vitamin C content present in the oranges. A single, medium-sized guava allows two times the daily necessity of vitamin C, a vitamin that is closely associated with increased immunity and protecting you against common infections and pathogens. The role of guavas in immunity has also attributed to its anti-inflammatory action and its ability to restrain inflammatory molecules like prostaglandins released in autoimmune conditions like rheumatoid arthritis.

Prevention of cancer:

The anticancer or antitumour property of guavas has linked to the presence of compounds including lycopene, vitamin C, quercetin, and various polyphenols present in them. These compounds act as potent antioxidants that neutralise the free radicals generated in the body, which can trigger cancerous growth. There is substantial proof demonstrating the potential of guava extract in preventing cancer of the prostate, breast, skin, colon and lungs.


The anti-diabetic effect of guavas has been introduced long back in Chinese medicine. A study showed that 1 g/kg guava juice significantly reduced the sugar levels in diabetic patients. The study recommended that guavas improve as well as prevent the growth of diabetes. Apart from the insulin-like activity that guavas possess, their rich fibre content and low glycemic index makes them exceptionally useful for diabetic patients as well. While fibre content ensures the sugar levels are well regulated, low glycemic index inhibits a sudden spike in sugar levels.

Also Read: – Benefits of Guava During Pregnancy

Anti-Ageing properties:

Free severe injury to the skin can trigger wrinkle formation and early ageing. Guavas being rich in Vitamin C, Vitamin A & antioxidants like lycopene & carotene helps to protect the skin from wrinkles & fine lines, thus making you look younger. Old-age is a certainty in everyone’s life, and eating a guava every day can at least prolong the process.


Guava can outdo many other fruits, incorporating orange and other citrus fruits, regarding its concentration of vitamin-C. A deficiency of vitamin-C can cause scurvy, & proper intake of vitamin-C is the only known remedy for that severe disease. In fact, guavas include 5X more vitamin-C than oranges, which has frequently heralded as the absolute best source of that beneficial vitamin.

Benefits of guavaHeart health:

A study published in the Record of Human Hypertension revealed that dietary adherence to guavas increases the sodium or potassium balance of the body, thereby controlling blood pressure in patients with hypertension. Besides, guavas also assist lower the levels of triglycerides and bad cholesterol, which contribute to the development of heart disease. They also increase the levels the good cholesterol (HDL).

Improves vision:

Even though, guavas are not as rich in Vitamin A as carrots, they still are still a rich source of the nutrient. Vitamin A helps keep your eyes in excellent condition and also helps improve your vision. Night blindness is one of the diseases associated with a Vitamin A deficiency.


One guava fulfils about 12% of the daily recommended intake of fibre, making it extremely beneficial for the digestive health. Eating guavas regular can is rich in fibre that helps in clearing the blocked pathway and thus relieving constipation.

Thyroid Health:

Guavas are a good source of copper, which is an essential part of regulating thyroid metabolism by improving to control hormone production and absorption. The thyroid gland is one of the most important organs in the body for regulating hormones & organ system function, so guava can improve balance the health in many ways.

Brain health:

Brain is one of the major organs of our body, & keeping it healthy should be on our preference list regardless of how intelligent we consider ourselves. Guavas contain vitamin B3 & vitamin B6, also known as niacin and pyridoxine, which helps in increasing blood circulation to the brain and relaxing the nerves.

Treats a toothache:

Guava leaves can have consumed as an excellent home remedy for a toothache. They have a potent anti-inflammatory action and powerful healing and antibacterial ability that fights infection and kills germs.

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