Benefits of Consuming Salmon Fish


Think of Salmon Fish and you cannot rave about the various lip-smacking recipes that can be made using it. While many love to make it a part of their Sunday dinner, not many are aware of the fact that salmon fish is quite beneficial for health too.

Not many of you are aware of the fact that Canadians are die-hard fans of salmon. It is a seafood-laden with two of the body’s best needed essential fatty acids. These include Omega 3s DHA and EPA. Amongst the vegan crowd, flax seeds, walnuts and milk are rich sources of Omega 3s.

Health Benefits of Consuming Salmon Fish:

1. Want to get rid of osteoarthritis?

Salmon fish has enriched form of essential fatty acids namely the Omega 3s. Salmon contains a unique cluster of proteins, namely, the bioactive peptides. One such peptide namely the calcitonin is believed to improve the synthesis or growth of bone cartilage leading to healthier and stronger bones. With an improved form of bone density, you can easily prevent occurrences of osteoarthritis or other forms of inflammatory joint disorders.

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2. Reduces depression

Eating salmon fish reduces the risk of depression. The omega 3 fatty acids, namely the DHA promotes brain development. This particular fatty acid also promotes the healthier growth of your central nervous system. Hence, if you eat salmon regularly, you can reduce bouts of depression considerably. It can reduce the hostility among young adults and cognitive decline among the elderly persons.

Benefits of Consuming Salmon Fish

3. Helps maintain a healthier heart

As stated in the introductory paragraph, salmon is the powerhouse of two essential Omega 3 fatty acids namely the DHA and EPA. Henceforth, eating salmon fish regularly can help you get rid of cardiovascular diseases such as reducing inflammation. When you consume salmon at least two to three times in a week, you can shield yourself from heart attacks, strokes, high blood pressure and other cardiac disorders.

4. Eating salmon helps to build your child’s brain structure

As a pregnant mom, it is ideal that you consume salmon as a part of your staple diet. By eating salmon, which is enriched with brain developing omega 3s, the intake can build the structure of the brain of your child in an impeccable manner. Higher levels of DHA (Decosahexaenoic Acid) is the structural component in the development of your central nervous system as well as your retina. You also need to note the amazingly cool fact that regular intake of salmon amongst pre-school kids can prevent incidences of ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactive Syndrome) and can boost up the kid’s academic performances.

5. Want to get rid of Vitamin D deficiency?

It is really a surprising fact that even people residing in tropical countries like India, Malaysia or Singapore are prone to Vitamin D deficiency. The reason is because you remain in air-conditioned atmosphere all through the day, be it home or office. For travel, you prefer using an air-conditioned car. So where are you getting exposed to natural sunlight?

Vitamin D deficiency also can expose you to myriad form of diseases like cancer, cardiovascular malfunctioning, multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis and type 1 diabetes. A can of salmon contains a whole day’s supply of Vitamin D. Hence, you can keep the above stated diseases, at bay.

These are the top 5 benefits attributed to consumption of salmon, on a periodic basis. Now that you know the benefits, it is time you go right ahead to cook a sumptuous meal for your family including a dish made of salmon fish.

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