7 Ways To Prevent Conception

7 Ways To Prevent Conception

Most women look for ways to prevent conception of first baby, as the concept of having first kid instantly after wedding has changed in most of the cases. Most of the people or couples prefer to settle down in their life and career before adding or taking the responsibility of a child in their life. However  there are millions of ways available now-a-days to avoid it in market that can help the women plan her first pregnancy as per her own check-list of to do things. Also, the first child is a obligation of almost 2 to 4 years before a lady is able to focus on her career again.

Ways To Prevent Conception Of First Baby


How to prevent conception of the first baby? It is rather simple if both the partners use protection in the form of condoms. There are plenty of male and female condoms available in the market which when used together can get rid of the chances of pregnancy radically.

Copper – T

Many mechanical devices are available in the market such as copper-T that can be applied with the help of gynecologist; they have a life of up to 5 years. In other words, they are part of outstanding ways to prevent conception of the first baby if the couple is looking for the long term solution for a span of 2 years and more. Also, in case the couple decides or plans a baby before the term of the device, it can be easily removed by the help of a doctor.

Oral Contraceptive Pills

Oral contraceptive pills are one of the ways to prevent conception of the first baby. There are a lot of options available in terms of regular or weekly or monthly contraceptive pills that can be taken.

Contraceptive Injections

Certain contraceptive injections are available in the market which last up to 3 months after administration. They are extremely effectual but should only be taken after a consultation with the doctor as they might or might not be suitable for all, as they have certain unfavourable effects on the health especially bones.

Ovulation Date

Know your ovulation dates as your cycle increases the risk of pregnancy as well. Normally, a week before and after the menstrual dates are the safest periods to have an intercourse without the fear of pregnancy; device ways to prevent conception of the first baby.

Methods Of Ejaculation

7 Ways To Prevent ConceptionTalk to your partner about his method of ejaculation after sex. Ask them to try and exclaim outside to avoid deposition of sperms inside the uterus. Also, the sperms are active for over 48 hrs to fertilize the egg in the uterus.

Avoid Certain Unhealthy Habits

Certain habits and foods enhances the risk of pregnancy such as lying down for some time after sex or foods rich in folic acid and iron. Avoid combining the factors to avoid pregnancy. These habits are extremely healthy when a couple is planning pregnancy. Although, in case the couple is looking for ways to prevent the conception of first baby, then these factors may combine to give adverse effects.

Photo credit: Lynn (Gracie’s mom) / Foter / CC BY-NC-ND

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