7 Dragon Fruit Recipes for Blending Up

7 Dragon Fruit Recipes for Blending Up

Mothers would like to try out dragon fruit powder recipes to ensure a healthy breakfast for their children. These dragon fruit recipes Indian are worth trying out as they are very nutritious.

It is tasty to try out bright pink smoothie bowls covered in a rainbow hue of toppings. It is dragon fruit—also referred to as pitaya—which happens to be the fruit of a cactus plant having a creamy white flesh. It consists of small edible seeds. It is originally indigenous to the Americas, mainly Mexico as well as Central America, and is also now cultivated in a variety of tropical regions in Asia and Australia. Many Americans in hot climates also grow it in their backyard.

How does dragon fruit taste like?

The Dagon fruit has a delicate, mild flavor, a taste between a kiwi and watermelon. It does pair well with more powerful-tasting tropical fruits such as mango and pineapple. The fruit can be had in vegetable-centric salads for a taste of sweetness.

This rather tasty exotic fruit is quite healthy as it is low in calories and full of vitamin c and fiber. It is considered to be a super-fruit. Although might appear rather unattractive a person can safely eat the soft flesh and seeds inside. The skin can even be used as a strikingly beautiful bowl or glass.

Dragon fruit powder recipes 

Dragon fruit tastes good if taken raw. It is also possible to have it as smoothies or sorbets. Even a simple fruit salad would also make a great choice for dragon fruit. These include dragon fruit recipes Indian as well.

1. Dragon fruit smoothie

It is delicious and the recipe makes use of vanilla protein powder as its base to prevent any sugar spikes. It has a very satisfying crunch from toppings such as coconut and hemp seeds.

7 Dragon Fruit Recipes for Blending Up

2. Dragon fruit salad

The recipe combines a fresh bed of lettuce, mint leaves, with the choicest additional fruits, and a drizzle of honey. Save the dragon fruit rind and make use of it as a decorative serving bowl.

The recommended five-to-ten servings are made of blended content with the base of the bowl comprising of banana, dates, plant-based milk, and vanilla. The recipe also is made up of colorful and nutritious toppings such as pitaya, kiwi, cherries, and more.

Combine half a dragon fruit, mandarin juice, lime, mint, agave nectar, and reposado tequila for a festive cocktail that’s both tangy and fruity.

Ginger and freshly squeezed orange juice add much flavor to this dish. One’s morning energy levels go up. The recipe also can be had with optional spinach and is thus loaded with fiber and vitamin K.

3. Pumpkin and Banana dragon fruit recipes

summery fruit can be had year-round. Simply blend pureed dragon fruit with canned pumpkin as well as banana, and season it with pumpkin spice or cinnamon. Then, top it off with toppings such as pepitas and pomegranate arils.

4. Dragon fruit festive cocktail 

Combine half a dragon fruit, mandarin juice, lime, mint, agave nectar, and reposado tequila for a festive cocktail that happens to be tangy and fruity.

5. Dragon fruit morning snack

Start the day with a hearty pitaya bowl, blended with strawberries. Add toppings such as granola, nuts, chia seeds, and sliced banana.

6. Dragon fruit Pavlova

Try out this fluffy dragon fruit-infused meringue cake topped with pitaya-pink whipped cream as well as fresh fruit.

7. Hot pink smoothie

This delicious smoothie is a hot pink smoothie, is made up of blue-green spirulina and raw cashew butter loaded with nutrients and heart-healthy fats.

Also Read, 7 Top Health Benefits of Dragon Fruit.


It is worth trying out such delicious dragon fruit powder recipes. Mothers can treat their children to these healthy sumptuous recipes.

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