5 Signs that You Must Visit A Dermatologist

signs that you must visit a dermatologist

5 Signs that You Must Visit A Dermatologist

Early recognition is the best thing that we can do to treat any disease in its beginning stage. This would make curing process easy and fast. These are a few of reasons why you must visit the dermatologist before things go bad.

Here we may discuss some reasons why you should visit the dermatologist.


Dark or light, discolouration is one of the signs that you must visit a dermatologist. This will help in identifying cancerous spots at the very early stage. Sometimes there will be nothing wrong and some cream will solve the problems. But if the dermatologists feels otherwise, you would be advised to do some tests to confirm.


If you have itching that lasts for more than 7 days, you should make the doctor appointment. This will also mean that itch is turning out to be red and not healing well. This is another reason why you must visit a dermatologist. There can be many reasons for this like allergic reactions to medications or food.

Abnormal Acne

Acnes and its are common problems in the 20’s and the 30’s. But after this age when you get acne, it is not a good sign and you will require to take suitable measures. There are many reasons for this, ranging from hormonal imbalance to side effects of the medications. So you will require to consider these as signs that you must visit the dermatologist.

Sensitivity To The Sun

 signs that you must visit a dermatologistThere is a condition, when your skin is extra sensitive to the skin. This is escorted with muscle aches and exhaustion. These combinations of symptoms are not a good sign and you should consider these as signs that you must visit a dermatologist. The doctors might suggest for biopsy and blood work. As these can be symptoms of lupus which required to be treated carefully.

Brown Patches

Brown Patches also called as Melasma, If you find brown patches on the skin that are not responding to topic creams, visit a dermatologist. These are more like tan patches which are concentrated on forehead and upper lip. These are very common conditions for women who take hormonal birth control. There are different treatments for this like bleaching agents, chemical peels and laser treatments.

Photo credit : http://www.skincarebeautyzone.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/12/Rare-Skin-Diseases.jpg

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