5 Foods to Beat acid reflux naturally

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5 Foods to Beat acid reflux naturally

There are number of people who are suffering from the acid reflux or heart burn, and it has been gradually improving because of unbalanced food. To get rid of acidity, people always look for the medicines or other remedies and taking some highly advantageous food additives is one of most famous ways to contribute in removal of this problem. To beat up problems of acid reflux, you should go for these 5 foods to Beat acid reflux naturally, mentioned below-

Fruits as natural food product can be used to manage the acidity –

Fruits like apple, banana, pears which are non-citrus in the nature, can be used to remove acidity problems.

These fruits are non-acidic in the nature and thereby used as best remedy for solving the heart burn problems. Fruits like banana contain basics proteins and vitamins that activates cells of muscles and forms the mucus barrier to provide the stomach, protected from acids.

Other than this, you can also use banana shakes, muffins, banana bread or sandwich which are proved an effectual way to cure such disorders.

Apple cide vinegar can also be taken for eradicating acidity problems within the short span of time.

Honey helps to soothe up functioning of liver

Honey is yet another natural solution to many of stomach issues, including the acidity and heart burn.

Honey, as natural homemade stuff, can be used to eradicate problems concerning acid in the body and is highly recommended for abdominal pain.

Honey is enriched with the large number of anti-oxidants as vitamin A, B, C and other micro elements.

Due to presence of maximum number of healing properties, honey has been widely longed-for by users for providing quick and outstanding results.

Pumpkin, sprouted seeds, radish etc can also be taken

Pumpkin, legumes and many other vegetables are highly alkaline in the nature and are also low in fat consumption; therefore it is sensible to take such fibre rich and green leafy vegetables in your diet for eradicating problems of sharpness in the body.

Easily fighting the effect of acidity produced by the taking acidic food, vegetables like pumpkin can also help to neutralize uric acid production in the body. Other vegetables, which can be taken for lessening impact of acid in body are carrot, lettuce, cabbage beet etc.

5 Foods to Beat acid reflux naturallyLeafy vegetables and sprouts are known to contain vitamins B and E which can really work well to suppress level of acids in the body.

Potatoes and beet root

For reducing harmful effect of the acid reflux, potatoes are yet other safety food product which is known to enhance the digestive system of body.

You can also take potato juice which is rich in anti-inflammatory properties and is known to cut down acidity problems. It is also a good liver cleanser for eliminating stomach ulcers and other problems

Green tea

It is rich in anti-oxidants, therefore can be used as herbal remedy for removing acidity disorders. It is rich in vitamins, micro-elements and is known to decrease the risk of acidity, BP, cholesterol etc.

Photo credit: eskay8 / Source / CC BY-NC-SA

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