5 Best Skin Lightening Oils

Salt recipes to remove blackheads

The skin is the largest organ of the body and a shield of all the other organs. The health status of a person is frequently reflected in the skin and this makes it necessary to take very good care of the skin. A proper skin care rule should be adopted to keep it clean, moisturized and healthy. And this care rule not only includes the physical state of the skin but also the skin tone.

Lightening oils for skin should not be confused with the fairness oils. Here we are not making any mention to fairness treatments. What these oils do is feed the skin and help to bring about a healthy glow to it. With daily application of these oils the skin tone is polished and the beauty of the natural tone is improved. Below mentioned are 5 Best Skin Lightening Oils.

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Lemon necessary oil is obtained from lemon peel. It is acidic in nature and very effectual in rejuvenating dull skin and brightening the skin tone. Daily usage of lemon oil ensures brighter, healthier and blemish-free skin. To be relevant this add not more than 5 drops to a tablespoon of water or any other carrier oil. Apply evenly over the body and enjoy soft skin with the citrus smell. Show Thumbnail


The name itself brings a smell of fresh air. Since ages lavender has been an necessary product for the beauty treatments. Lavender is packed with the anti-fungal and antibacterial properties which make it a good choice to treat the skin problems. In the process of fighting acne, blemishes, sun burns and rashes it helps the skin reveal its natural beauty and glow.

Sandal wood

How many beauty products do we come across that maintain to have sandalwood in them? You are sure to run out of the fingers if you set out counting. Sandalwood is one of the oldest skin care products and an effectual one too. Sandalwood oil has antibacterial, anti-fungal and antiseptic properties. This helps to get rid of dark spots, removes whiteheads and blackheads, cures acne and pimples. With so many benefits of sandalwood the skin is going to glow in the light and bright manner. Mix 1 drop of sandalwood oil to 10 drops of water for safe application.


Ever touched the petal of a rose? Ever got time to be grateful for the beautiful color and texture of this royal flower? Everyone has the word of praise for the rose. Likewise there will be words of respect for you too as rose necessary oil proves to be one of the best skin lightening oils. Daily application gives you benefits like skin tone improvement, skin firming and decrease of wrinkles. One of the best ways to use this oil is to mix 5 drops in half a cup of chilled milk and evenly apply.

5 Best Skin Lightening OilsAlmond

The market has many types of almond oils but make sure to get the straight and pure one. Sweet almond oil is rich in vitamins and fatty acids. Unlike other oils almond oil can be applied undiluted. Some of the benefits of this oil can be listed as the skin brightening, removal of dark spots, fighting wrinkles, erasing blemishes and curing acne. With so many benefits for skin this one oil should be a must have for all. Lightening oils for the skin are a natural way to achieve healthy and glowing skin tone and surface. Instead of opting for so many chemical laden products it is always wise to pick some of the best skin lightening oils and pamper oneself.

Photo credit : http://www.skinwhitenqc.com/images/abmnry.jpg

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