Top Five Reasons To Include Bay Leaf To Your Diet

Top Five Reasons To Include Bay Leaf To Your Diet

Some of the most impressive health benefits of bay leaves include their ability to detoxify the body, slow the aging process, speed healing wounds, protect the body from bacterial infections, manage diabetes, improve heart health, Reduce inflammation, relieve respiratory problems, and prevent certain types of cancer. Read about Reasons To Include Bay Leaf To Your Diet

What is Bay Leaf?

The bay leaf is a standard ingredient in many soups and tasty stews. But did you know that this seasoning is also good for your health?

This plant, Laurus nobilis, comes from the laurel family, the family of evergreen trees & shrubs most usually located in sections of Asia & America. It is distinct from other laurels because it comes from the Mediterranean.

The laurel leaves or bay leaves have been used in many ways throughout history, including as a diuretic or even as a diaphoretic, a substance that promotes sweating. But how are these uses commensurate with scientific study, and are there other uses for bay leaves? Read on to find it.

Keeping cancer at bay

Researchers are actively seeking new ways to treat and possibly prevent breast cancer. A new study found that the extract of the laurel plant is a natural option that might be able to help. The extract can help kill cancer cells by helping apoptosis, or programmed cell death. Read more about tulsi leaves

A solution for diabetes

According to the 2009 study, taking capsules that contain 1-3g of bay leaf per day can help reduce and manage glucose and cholesterol levels in people with diabetes. This is probably because the bay leaves contain polyphenols, which are powerful antioxidants. This promising information indicates that bay leaf could help regulate & also prevent diabetes & different cardiovascular disorders.

Treatment for wounds

Researchers need to know more. Studies so far have shown that the healing properties of leaf extract can reduce inflammation in the area of the wound. While these experiments were conducted on rats, scientists are optimistic that the laureate might work similarly in humans. If so, the age-old tradition of using this leaf for healing would ultimately have scientific evidence.

Top Five Reasons To Include Bay Leaf To Your DietTransforming a new leaflet on how to treat kidney stones

A study of 2014 examined whether the extract of the bay leaf could help prevent kidney stones. The study found that, along with eight other traditional medicinal herbs, bay leaf has been able to reduce the amount of urease in your body.

Urease is the enzyme which can cause different gastric ailments, comprising kidney stones when it has unbalanced. But scientists conducting the study suggested that more research should be done to understand how these herbs work.

Can it banish brain disorders?

Old texts refer to the bay leaf as a treatment for foreclosures. In a recent study, scientists decided to try to discover this legend could be scientifically proven. They discovered that laurel extract was actually effective in protecting rats again seized. This is probably due to the unique chemical components of the extract.

Scientists hope to use this new research to begin studying the effect of the extract on humans. For example, the bay leaf may be able to help people diagnosed with epilepsy.


For now, all we know for sure is that bay leaves can provide a tasty flavor of flavor in soups and stews. But keep an eye open as scientists discover other amazing ways this sheet can be used.


As mentioned, “laurel” is a commonly used term that applies to many different plants in the world; However, to achieve all the health benefits listed above, it is essential that you find the true laurel, derived from laurel, with the scientific name Laurus nobilis. Other varieties can actually be toxic when consumed, so be certain that you get the real thing! In terms of allergies, laurel leaves are not widely known as an allergenic substance, but contact dermatitis and eczema eruptions have been reported sporadically. If you are allergic to other members of the Lauraceae family, you will probably be allergic to the bay leaves as well.

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