Homemade face packs for oily skin

Homemade face packs for oily skin

Have a skin which looks like shiny and oily most of the time? You can control this oily skin by making face packs at home and use them regularly. These packs are made using the natural ingredients commonly found in an Indian kitchen. They not only help to control the oil but also rinse it from within and giving it natural glow. Read about Homemade face packs for oily skin

Lemon face pack

Lemon is acidic in the nature which is good for an oily skin as it helps to absorb the excess oil. It is rich in vitamin C which keeps skin looking young. Also, lemon acts as the natural bleach thereby removing the tan and covering blemishes and dark spots on the face.

Homemade face packs for oily skinSteps:

  • Take a lemon and squeeze out its juice.
  • Now add few drops of honey in it and mix well.
  • Apply this pack on the face but not around eyes.
  • Leave it for 15 minutes and then rinse off with water.
  • Use it once every week at the night.

Fuller’s earth or multani mitti face pack

Homemade face packs for oily skinAnother treasure for the oily skin, multani mitti has magnesium chloride that keeps an oily skin free of acne, removes dirt and oil and also helps to get rid of the blackheads and whiteheads. Multani mitti comes in a powder form and has to be mixed with the other ingredients to make pack.


  • Take 1 tablespoon of Multani mitti earth and add alove vera gel to it.
  • thin it with bit of rose water and mix well.
  • Apply the pack on the face and leave it to dry.
  • Rinse it off with water and pat dry the skin.
  • Use this once per week to see results.

Orange face pack

Homemade face packs for oily skinCitrus fruits such as orange are best-suited for an oily skin as they get rid of the oil by absorbing it. Orange is also good source of vitamin C which helps to keep wrinkles away and makes the skin look fresh and soft for days. Here are some of the more fruit face packs for oily skin.


  • Dry peel of an orange in the sun for a day and then grind it into powder.
  • To this powder add dash of lemon juice and rose water.
  • Mix well and apply it on the face.
  • Once it dries off, splatter cold water to get it off.
  • Use this once or twice for every week.

Tomato face pack

Tomato contains lycopene which has many of benefits for the skin. It also has vitamin A and C which help in keeping skin to look young. It acts as the natural cleanser and reduces excess oil, blackheads and spots on face.


  • Cut 1 tomato into ½ and mash one of halves.
  • Strain this puree to get its juice without seeds.
  • Using the cotton ball apply it on the face.
  • Add few drops of honey for added benefits.
  • Let it stay for about 10 to 15 minutes and then rinse off face with water.
  • Using this once every week will show the great results.

Managing oily skin is important so that it does not look oily and dull. Make sure use an oil-free moisturiser to keep it hydrated thus prevent the oily layer on face.

Try these face pack to keep your face without oil.
Photo credit: Maria Mastrafchieva / Foter / CC BY-NC

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