DIY Homemade Pineapple face packs for glowing Skin

DIY Homemade Pineapple face packs for glowing Skin

Fruits have the amount of god of vitamins that is good for the health and beauty of individuals. You must have seen the variety of masks and packages available on the market that comes with fruit extract. Now pineapple being a fruit can be used in a natural way to give you a shiny and attractive skin tone. Read about DIY Homemade Pineapple face packs for glowing Skin

Yes, the fruit that is naturally available in the tree can be used for this remedy. Even this can prove to be a satisfying natural spa all over your face. We’ll find the combination right now.

Pineapple being one of the tasty fruits can also be known as a wonderful ingredient to bring out your facial beauty. Once you prepare face masks and packs using pineapple, getting a glimmer on your skin can not be restricted.

These natural masks composed of fresh pineapple will be much more effective compared to other packs rich in chemicals available in the market.

Even you do not have to spend the adequate amount of money in the expensive variety of cosmetic treatments available in beauty salons. Even it will be possible to save a good sun from your monthly expenses if homemade facials can be served.

If you can apply these pineapple packs at least twice a week, it will not be mandatory for you to go for facials in association with salon professionals. You will stay younger and glow for a longer period of time until you age with natural pineapple remedies.

1. Essential Honey Pineapple Facial Mask


  • Fresh Pineapple,
  • Extra virgin olive oil: 3 tablespoons
  • Natural Honey: 1 tablespoon


  1. Mince the pineapple while using olive oil and honey, unless you have a smooth paste.
  2. Apply this mixture on face and neck. Leave it for 30 minutes and let it dry.
  3. Wash in warm water, then splash cold water on your face.
  4. Pat dry your face and moisturize.

2. Coconut, pineapple cosmetic mask


  • Pineapple slices: 4 fresh
  • Coconut milk: 2 tablespoons


  1. Put the ingredients in a food processor and mix well until you have a smooth paste.
  2. Apply this mixture on face and neck. Leave it for 30 minutes and let it dry.
  3. Wash in warm water, then splash cold water on your face. Pat dry your face and moisturize.

3. Papaya, honey pineapple face mask

This pineapple cosmetic mask helps to exfoliate, moisturize and moisturize your skin in addition to lightening its complexion and stimulating your skin. The antioxidants in the honey help nourish the yo skin with a repair. It helps to retain moisture and gets a good glow on your skin.


  • Fresh Papaya: 4 slices
  • Fresh Pineapple: 3 slices
  • Natural Honey: 1 tablespoon


  1. Mash papaya and pineapple in a food processor and add honey to it. Mix well until you have a smooth paste.
  2. Apply this mask to face and neck and leave for 20 minutes. After that wash it with cold water and dry your face.
  3. Apply a thin layer of moisture to keep the shine for longer.

DIY Homemade Pineapple face packs for glowing Skin4. Green tea, papaya, honey and pineapple face pack

A tiny variation for the previous mask of papaya pineapple; Teas make it an authentic acne mask. It contains elements that could be very useful in the fight against skin ailments and also helps in skin tightening and tightening.


  • Fresh Papaya: 4 slices
  • Fresh Pineapple: 3 slices
  • Natural Honey: 1/2 tablespoon
  • Green Tea: 1 tablespoons


  1. Boil water and tea leaves, let cool. Now put the pineapple and papaya in a blender and puree then well.
  2. Add the honey and decoction to the tea and mix until you have a smooth paste.
    Apply this mask over your face and neck and leave it for 20 minutes.
  3. After that wash it with cold water and dry your face.
  4. Apply a thin layer of moisture to keep the shine for longer.

5. Grape seeds, honey pineapple face mask

The grape seed oil in this particular pineapple mask contains fatty acids that help repair broken/chapped skin, wrinkles around the eyes and stretch marks. It penetrates deep into your epidermis and moisturizes your skin.


  • Pineapple: 4 slices
  • Grape seeds oil: 1 tablespoons
  • Natural Honey: two teaspoons


  1. Put each ingredient in a food processor and mix well until you have a smooth paste.
  2. Apply this mask over your face and neck and leave it for 20 minutes.
  3. After that wash it with cold water and dry your face.
  4. Apply a thin layer of moisture to keep the shine for longer.

6. Egg white, honey, pineapple mask

A new skin tightening mask, the egg white helps to firm and tighten the skin


  • Egg white: 1
  • Fresh new Pineapple portions: Two big
  • Natural Honey: 1 teaspoon


  1. Mix all the ingredients in a food processor until you have a smooth and thick paste.
  2. Apply this mask over your face and neck and leave it for 20 minutes.
  3. After that wash it with cold water and dry your face.
  4. Apply a thin layer of moisture to keep the shine for longer.

photo credit:  Image

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