Why cold or flu symptoms are high in winter?

Why cold or flu symptoms are high in winter?

Cold or flu does cause much discomfort and even children are affected by it. Wintertime is a tough time and one suffers from runny nose or fever as the flu virus spreads.

Winter is prime time for flu as cold and dry conditions do affect it. Cold and flu can be indeed very bothersome and one would like to get relief from it. Cold fever, cold symptoms do occur in harsh wintry days. Adults and children suffer from it and mothers often find it difficult when the child suffers from it.

In fact, researchers do highlight that the flu virus does spread through the air more easily when the temperature and humidity are low. The virus affects all and sundry and causes much discomfort.

What do these researchers have today to help curb the spread of the flu virus:

• Set room air at warm temperatures (above 68 degrees Fahrenheit)
• Keep rooms fairly humid (at least 50% humidity)
Efforts have been made to study the flu virus in guinea pigs.
The scientists did tweak the temperature and humidity in the guinea pigs’ cages.
The flu virus spread more easily through the air at 41 degrees Fahrenheit than at 68 degrees or 86 degrees.

In low humidity (relative humidity of 20% to 35%), the flu virus does spread more easily through the air than when it was more humid. Cold fever, cold symptoms need to be taken seriously in order to get proper care and protection.

Got Your Flu Vaccine?

Getting a yearly flu vaccination is indeed the best way to protect oneself against the flu. It is advisable to take necessary precautions.

Flu season can start as early as October and last as late as May.
The best time to get vaccinated against the flu is during the months of October or November, but flu vaccinations that can still be given in December or later. Seasonal health issues are of much concern to all and they can be disagreeable to daily functioning or performance of chores.

Why cold or flu symptoms are high in winter?

Cold symptoms do come on gradually and include:

• a blocked or runny nose
• a sore throat
• headaches
• muscle aches
• coughs
• sneezing
• a raised temperature
• pressure in your ears and face
• loss of taste and smell
The symptoms are the same in adults and children. Sometimes symptoms last longer in children.

How you can treat a cold yourself?

To help you get better more quickly:

• rest and sleep
• keep warm
• drink plenty of water (fruit juice or squash mixed with water is OK) to avoid dehydration
• gargle saltwater to soothe a sore throat

The following flu vaccinations can be had by such groups of people as:

• Children aged 6 months to 5 years
• Pregnant women
• People aged 50 and older
• People of any age with certain chronic medical conditions
• People living in nursing homes or other long-term care facilities
• People living with persons at high risk for flu complications
People living with or caring for children less than 6 months of age
• Health care workers

Scientists do tend to remake flu vaccines every year based on the flu strains that they do expect to be most prominent in the upcoming flu season. Focus is definitely on cold fever, cold symptoms as flu has to be cured.

Parents do get concerned when their child is affected by the flu. They seek relief from it and try out various solutions. Medical advice is sought after.
So, it is but obvious that people like to get rid of their cold or flu and wintertime can be the time that they are usually affected by it.

also, read: 7 ways to prevent cold among children

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