What Is Computer Vision Syndrome?

What Is Computer Vision Syndrome?

Jobs these days to make use of computers and one has to sit in front of one for hours, thus causing much strain on one’s eyes. One has to take good care of one’s eyes and not allow them to be unnecessarily strained. Using computers does entail long hours at times, but one needs to ensure that one’s eyes do not get affected.

Eye problem which is caused by computer usage is referred to as computer vision syndrome (CVS). It is not just one health issue. It involves a whole range of eye strain as well as pain. Research does indicate that between 50% to about 90% of people who tend to work at a computer screen have at least some symptoms.

Working adults are not the only ones affected by this syndrome. Even kids who stare at tablets or makes use of computers during the day at school can also have issues, too, especially if the lighting and their posture are less than ideal.

How Do Computers Affect Vision?

CVS is indeed quite similar to carpal tunnel syndrome and other repetitive motion injuries that one might get at work. It does happen on account of one’s eyes following the same path over and over again. It can rather get worse the longer one continues the movement.

What Is Computer Vision Syndrome?When one’s work at a computer, one’s eyes have to focus and also refocus all the time. They do move back and forth as one reads. One may also have to look down at papers and then also back up to type. One’s eyes to react to changing images on the screen in order to create so that one’s brain can process what one is seeing. All these jobs do require a lot of effort from one’s eye muscles. And to make things worse, unlike a book or piece of paper, the screen does add contrast, flicker, as well as glare.

One faces more problems with the eyes while using a computer in case one is already suffering from an eye problem. For instance, one may be requiring glasses, and not using one or using the wrong prescription for computer purposes. All these do cause strain as far as the eyes are concerned and can damage them.


Computer work does get harder as one grows older and the lenses in one’s eyes become less flexible. Nearing age 40, one’s ability to focus on near and far objects will start to go away. One’s eye doctor will refer to this condition ass presbyopia.

The prolonged usage of digital devices has indeed contributed to an increase in ‘computer-related’ ocular symptoms normally referred to as computer vision syndrome (CVS), but also known as digital eye fatigue.

CVS does relate to ocular discomfort that is associated with prolonged computer use, but the time spent making use of screens, especially handheld devices, is indeed increasing in one’s day-to-day activities, and also avoiding screen use is not a possibility for several people. Children, as well as young adults, do tend to spend around six hours a day making use of screens that do include the use of multiple mobile devices.

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