What Is Chalazion?

What Is Chalazion?

If one wakes up one morning and notices a small swelling or lump on one’s eyelid, one need not worry too much. Doctors usually refer to it as “chalazion” — “chalazia” if one has more than one. It happens to be one of the most common types of eyelid lumps.

Chalazia are indeed more likely to appear on one’s upper eyelid, though they sometimes do show up on one’s lower eyelid. One might get them in both eyes at once.

Causes of Chalazia

One has glands throughout one’s body. They do make things that one’s cells, tissues, and organs do need to work properly. The meibomian glands in one’s upper as well as lower eyelids do make oil that does mix with one’s tears to moisten and protect one’s eyes. If the oil does get too thick or if the glands are plugged on account of inflammation, one may get a chalazion.

Sometimes an infection can indeed cause a chalazion, though this is rare.

Symptoms of Chalazia

Chalazia do occur more often in adults than among children, and they look about the same in each person. They may, in fact, start with a small area that is red, swollen, and sore or painful when touched. After a few days, the pain in fact usually goes away and a bump or lump tends to remain.

One may have:

• A small lump on the eyelid
• Swelling of the eyelid
• Watery eye
• Soreness or discomfort
• Redness of the skin
• Mild irritation in the eye
• Blurry vision

Chalazia do often come back. Once one has one, another may appear in the same or another area.

Diagnosis for Chalazia

There are in fact no special tests. One’s doctor usually just checks one’s eyes. He or she will enquire symptoms, past eye problems, and one’s health history in general.

One may have had chalazia more than once. If one has not been checked by an eye specialist, one’s doctor may recommend that one see one. One may see either an ophthalmologist or optometrist, who will check the chalazia to rule out other eye problems. Chalazia are often the result of blepharitis or meibomian gland dysfunction. Treating this condition can indeed reduce the risk of chalazia from coming back.

What Is Chalazion?Home Treatment for Chalazia

Chalazia often go away in days or weeks without treatment.

One home remedy is to apply warm, moist heat to the given area. One’s doctor or nurse can give one instruction. Make sure one knows how long and how often one should do this. With clean hands, gently push on the chalazia to help it naturally drain.

When to Call a Doctor

It is important to call the doctor if one feels one has a chalazion. One’s doctor may want to check it and tell you how to take care of it in order to help it heal. He or she may also suggest one can use eye drops or creams.
If the more simple treatments do not work, one’s doctor may prescribe medicines or give one injection to help clear up the problem.

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