Top 10 anti-ageing tips


Have you started to notice first signs of ageing on the skin? These could be anything from the wrinkle, age spots to fine lines around the forehead, lips, or even eyes. But before you reach out for most expensive anti-ageing cream out there, why not make some lifestyle modifications that would surely work in the favour and prevent more such signs. Top 10 anti-ageing tips are given below.

Avoid excess exposure to sun

It is no. 1 cause of the wrinkles with dozens of studies documenting the impact. Protect the skin from sun rays firstly by staying indoors as the sun is strongest. Secondly get into habit of wearing a sunscreen with the good sufficient SPF every time you go out. Apply it at least 20 – 30 minutes before stepping out in sun and reapply it every few hours.

Stay hydrated

Inadequate hydration is second major cause of extreme wrinkles. In order to for the skin to stay moist and elastic, it needs the constant supply of water. If you fail to get sufficient fluids in your body, cells would start to lose elasticity and eventually wrinkles shall start surfacing. Here is how water affects the beauty.

Quit smoking

Apart from many well-documented ill-effects of the smoking on body, it also causes the premature ageing of skin mainly by reducing the blood supply and nourishment to skin. This makes skin lose its elasticity and moisture. Also as smoking, some recurring actions like narrow your eyes to protect the eyes from violent fumes and constantly dragging cigarette fumes into his/her mouth causes the wrinkles over time at corners of the eyes and mouth.

Get adequate sleep

When you do not get sufficient sleep, the body produces excess cortisol – a hormone that breaks down the skin cells. Get sufficient rest and you will produce more HGH -human growth hormone, which helps the skin remain thick, more elastic and less likely to wrinkle. You would also feel less tired and there would be the glow on your face.

Try face yoga

Top 10 anti-ageing tipsJust like yoga is the holistic practice that works on the mind and body, face yoga is the bunch of facial exercises to keep the face tight and younger-looking forever. We frequently forget to work out our facial muscles but these exercises help do same and keep ageing skin at bay.

Eat healthy

Consume the diet full of vitamins that come from the fresh vegetables and fruits as well nuts and seeds, which are all effectual anti-ageing foods due to amount of antioxidants they all pack.

Keep stress at bay

Stress releases hormones like cortisol which decrease muscular tissue beneath skin. This makes your skin thinner and makes it look wrinkled and old.

Use moisturiser

Many women these days are so concerned with the anti-ageing products they frequently overlook the power of simple moisturiser. Skin that is moist simply looks better so lines and creases are far less noticeable.

Don’t over-wash the face

Tap water flooring the skin of its natural barrier oils and moisture that protect against wrinkles. Rinse them off too frequently, and you wash away protection. Moreover, unless the soap contains moisturisers, you should use the cleanser instead.

Consult the dermatologist

If you had like to use creams, lotions and various other chemical and surgical options (like peels, fillers, lasers and Botox) to fight skin ageing, you should visit your dermatologist who’ll guide you well after analysing your skin.

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