Tomato packs for Sun Protection and glowing skin

Tomato packs for Sun Protection and glowing skin

Tomato packs for Sun Protection and glowing skin

One of the main important elements of tomato is lycopene, is a powerful antioxidant which is able to regenerate sun damaged skin and, with the help of its vital vitamins A, C and K, protect it from the further damage. Even though fresh tomatoes have the healthy amount of lycopene, cooked tomatoes in any form such as pureed, paste, and even ketchup have the more concentrated amount. Here two important tomato packs are explained like Tomato packs for Sun Protection and glowing skin. The ingredients for the sun protection preparation using tomato juice are:

How to use tomato for sun protection

  • Natural tomato juice – 1 cup
  • Natural coconut water- 1 cup

Combine the 2 ingredients and put the combination in a spray bottle to take to shore or for use whenever you are in sun – simply give the bottle a good shake before spraying liquid on all areas of the skin that receive sun exposure, particularly the face. The skin will absorb mixture in approximately 1 minute.

How to Use Tomato for Glowing Skin

The natural tomato is perfect ingredient for the most simple of face masks, as nourishing properties of vitamins A, C, and K will improve your skin. Daily use of this mask will swamp away the dead skin cells from skin’s surface, leaving it clear and healthy. This basic tomato mask should be made fresh each day. Prepare this daily facial mask as follows:

  • Tomato packs for Sun Protection and glowing skinnatural tomato juice : 1 tablespoon
  • honey : 2 tablespoons
  • English clay powder : 1 tablespoon

Mix all the ingredients together to form a paste that is easy to spread on skin using finger tips. If it is too thin, simply add a little more clay. For exemplary results, exfoliate the facial skin before applying the mask. Leave the mask on for approximately 15 minutes until it has dried and is starting to crack; then wash it off with warm water for a glowing and healthy skin. The tomato will brighten the skin while the honey purifies and the clay cleanses the pores to draw out blackheads, dirt, microscopic bacteria, and other damaging elements of everyday life.

Photo credit: ROSS HONG KONG / Foter / CC BY-NC-SA

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